3,449 articles on "development"

$3.95 Domain Website at VoIP Communications

VoIP Communications takes the uncertainty out of hosting - and puts service, performance and value back in. No matter which hosting type or plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in our world-class data center. And you ge...

Web Development  development hosting dedicated plans frommonth servers transfer monthly
Graphics for the web The Most Common Formats

One of the early problems on the net was how to display graphics. The firstbrowsers only displayed textual information - the modern browser with it'simages, multimedia and plugin's did not exist. Everything was text based.Now there are hund...

Web Development  development format images image graphics formats browsers
Web Source Web Design Tips - Open A New Window With A Button or Link

Button:Link:function openwindowlink(){newwin window.open("yourdomain.htm","windowname"," height320,width320,scrollbars,resizable")}// end hiding >Open Window About the Author Shelley Loweryslowery@web-source.netTip provided by: Web Source: Your Gui...

Web Development  development linknewwin windowopenyourdomainhtmwindowname heightwidthscrollbarsresizable hiding open window
Why Joomla Based Websites Are More Secured Than HTML

Joomla websites provide more security than HTML due to coding components and script elements. Joomla offers security beginning with the installation and finalizing with it's post-install options. You should consult a webmaster or a greater exper...

Web Development  development joomla security offers code extensions
PHP On-The-Fly!

IntroductionPHP can be used for a lot of different things, and is one of the most powerful scripting languages available on the web. Not to mention it's extremely cheap and widely used. However, one thing that PHP is lacking, and in fact most sc...

Web Development  development javascript example pageout below
Popup Killers - Not just killing that Popup but also that your revenue

With the increased use of popups on sites - when you enter,when you leave, while you are there - Popup killers (orstoppers) are all the rage. Companies use Popup killers as a marketing tool for frustrated webusers - they kill the Popup, the webuser u...

Web Development  development popup links javascript killer visits
Choosing The Right Blog-Tools

Choosing The Right Blog-ToolsBloggers are constantly discovering new ways to express their ideas through new markup.There are bloggers who are using the latest state-of-the-art “visual” web design programs, but few others consider using HTML code...

Web Development  development bloggers comments type page
How CMS Based Website Is A Good Website

CMS based websites are good for a lot of reasons. One of the most influential reasons why CMS based websites have succeeded in making a mark over the web is because of their ability to turn things on their head and make them look quite evident. Anoth...

Web Development  development websites skins dotnetnukein
The Balance of Lives

George Bush is ready to spend $7.5 billion dollars to protect the US from a disease that currently poses no danger and has so far killed no Americans, and only 62 people worldwide. Meanwhile, Bill Gates, much maligned by the media and internet geeks,...

Government  government malaria vaccine gates disease development
Graphics Optimization

Graphics images on the internet come in three major formats: GIF, JPEG andPNG (and PNG's close relation MNG). Each of these formats has it'sassociated advantages and disadvantages. It is important that you understandall three formats to mak...

Web Development  development images image colors format jpeg formats