3,449 articles on "development"

Cookies How to Improve Your Website AND Learn From Your Visitors

Question: How can you improve your visitors' experience of yourwebsite AND at the same time learn how to improveyour website (or learn how to increase sales)?Answer: cookiesCookies? Yes. Let me explain...> COOKIES EXPLAINEDA "cookie" is simply a...

Web Development  development cookies visitoraposs cookie
Internet Marketing Tools - Graphics Basics

Graphic design is an intimidating subject for many Internetentrepreneurs. However, most of us must learn some basicdesign techniques in order to avoid the high costs of hiringa professional designer.In order to create or edit your graphics, you'...

Web Development  development image format color images
How to Transfer Your Web Site to Another Host Without Losing It

You want to change web hosts because you have found a lessexpensive solution for your web site. You are not happy with theservices your host is providing. The response time for technicalsupport is too slow. You make the decision to change web hosts. ...

Web Development  development host name files transfer domain
Web Site Design How To Get Around

Our web site (Internet Tips and Secrets - http://www.internet-tips.net/ ) runs an awards program which gets as many as fifty submissions a week. That means we visit each of those fifty sites each and every week to determine if they measure up to the ...

Web Development  development navigation visitors they

People love pantomimes because they can communicate so cleverly without everuttering a sound. I find them fascinating. But imagine what theworld would be like if all our entertainment, conversation, andadvertising was done in pantomime. Aside from gi...

Web Development  development audio sites
Fix My Website Practical Graphics

Despite my lousy eyesight, I'm a hopelessly visual person. When Idink around with the site I co-edit with my friend Mary, I scanlarge stacks of photos and pictures from old pamphlets, and usethem liberally. I admit it: I'm a graphics abuser...

Web Development  development itaposs images site
Your Website and your Brand

Don't rely on technology alone to create a great Website for you or your company. It's great to have cool technology but you need to leave a favorable impression on your user. Instill confidence and create an engaging and memorable experien...

Web Development  development brand company identity
Economic Development on Democratic Terms: Five Key Conditions

Since economic development is the most financially consequential area of urban policy, it affects the distribution of wealth, of quality education, of employment, housing, health care and of other important indicators of the overall quality of urban ...

Government  government public development urban where
Optimizing Flash. Can it be Done

Optimizing Flash. Can it be Done?By: Joe BalestrinoSince the inception of Flash, it has been the programming medium of choice for many companies. Most professionals recognize the superior visual aspects that Flash has to offer. Unfortunately, Flash i...

Web Development  development flash sites file
Some Things Not Learned In School

Some Things Not Learned In School by: Florie Lyn Masarate Since most people and companies now ate turning to computers and showing off their crafts online, the probability is that many others would want to have one for themselves. Having your ow...

Web Development  development designs graphic