3,449 articles on "development"

The Naked Truth about Doorway Pages

Ever wonder why the use of "doorway pages" in search engine optimization is getting such a bad rap? One day, you hear they’re the best way to get ranked in the search engines. But the next day, you read that they'll get you banned! Is this cri...

Web Development  development pages search doorway engines keywords engine
The Nimda Virus...

Because of the increased activity over the Internet, viruses and worms have become serious pests. As the Internet advances, these pests are becoming much more sophisticated. There capacity to spread across the Internet in just a matter of hours can c...

Web Development  development virus internet traffic industry spread
Business Opportunity for Graphic Designers

Business Opportunity for Graphic Designersby Mohd FairuzAs a graphic designer, you are sitting on a gold mine. Youhave a skill other people do not have, and you can use thatskill to earn a good living.But, it's very sad to see most experts in g...

Web Development  development cover product design service business covers graphic
Printing Your Website the Right Way

There are so many techniques and methods available to create a user friendly website. The first one is by using a server side routine or print stylesheets. The print version may strip out images and navigation that lose their meaning on the printed p...

Web Development  development create print editing
A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

A very well known and apt adage for many circumstances, but today I'm not going to talk about the virtues of a picture in it's ability to replace words or describe more effectively. Today, I want to use this space to help those unfamiliar w...

Web Development  development image images file size many
Good Web Design The Importance of Navigation

A well-designed website has many facets: gorgeous graphics, cool animations, drop-down menus, and of course, relevant content. Another important feature, often overlooked, is a good, solid navigation scheme.I review many sites every week. A confused ...

Web Development  development navigation visitor website
Anatomy of a Successful E-Business Web Site

According to a new survey carried out by Alliance & where IDNUM9270;Leicester, one in five small business owners view tax astheir greatest concern. The Chancellor has announced in hislast budget that companies with profits below œ10,000 willnot ...

Web Development  development company business income sole
Congratulations! You've Gotten the Visitors to your Site - Now, can they find what they're looking for

As search engine marketers, we spend an enormous amount of timetrying to get targeted traffic to our site. But, once thosevisitors get to our site, can they find what they're looking for?If not, guess what? We've lost a customer.Think about...

Web Development  development search engine onsite find
Attract Product BuyersCreate your Home Page With Marketing Pizzazz

Your home page needs to grab your visitors by the collarpersuade and engage them. You have the power to gain your visitors loyalty, to book mark your site, and eventually, to buy your products if you write irresistible, streamlined copy that engrosse...

Web Development  development book sample visitors they
Create Your Own First Visit Popup Window

It's a proven fact that the use of popup windows is a highly effective marketing technique that produces great results. However, they can be very irritating to your visitors. How can you use this powerful marketing technique without offending yo...

Web Development  development window popup html