Standard, well-worn marketing techniques sometimes gain somepolish when you rework them a bit. Everyone knows that happycustomer testimonials are a valuable addition to your businessmarketing materials and your web site. Glowing comments fromthose wh...
Web Development development link testimonialsYou've selected the perfect website template. You’re finally ready to show the world your professional website...but will anyone be able to find it?When I began my career as a webmaster 5 years ago, I assumed that if I had a great looking web...
Web Development development search professional peopleSEO Optimization techniquesBelow are some techniques/guidelines that help in your page to become Search engine optimized. The ;crawlers' or ;spiders' that a search engine send to your site are not able to view all the eye-candy and other...
Web Development development meta title likeSo you've finished your website and think you're ready to submit it the big-bad search engines? Not so fast Mister.Before submitting there's a few details you're going to wantto check to make sure the search engines index your sit...
Web Development development title sure search engines tagsThe reasons for hiring a professional designer are the same reasons as hiring any other professional. You want someone who is knowledgeable in design, understands the needs of clients, and is able to accommodate any issues that arise. As such a profe...
Web Development development professional designerThe most value part of any web page is that part which is shown in your browser before the need to scroll. This is generally known as "above the fold." Arguably, you have just 10 seconds to grab your visitors' attention. That doesn't seem l...
Web Development development fold visitorYou are staring at the your monitor waiting for the image todownload. It finally appears but it has blurry edges. You go tothe next page but can't read the text because of the dark imagein the background. The next page has animated images, that ...
Web Development development image images color file siteIf your web site visitor can't find the information on your website, within 10 seconds or less, you will lose them. Two of thelargest factors that contribute to this, are the lack of clearpurpose and poor layout of your web pages. Let's loo...
Web Development development clearThe vast majority of Web site owners on the Net focus all theirtime and attention on two things: building their revenue andincreasing their traffic.However, as important as traffic and money are, many site ownersdon't pay sufficient attention to...
Web Development development sites credibility wellSince, you already have a website, to design, develop and maintain it is bit difficult and costly than you think. If the website requires designing & development on daily basis or at regular intervals then you must hire a team. Now, hiring a team fro...
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