Tapping Into The Visual Stimulus Of Your Web Site Visitors by: Dan J. Fry "Oh, my eyes, my eyes! What an eye sore. Quick, click away! Click away!" Suddenly I wake up in a cold sweat. What happened. Oh, then I realize: it was just a nightmare. ...
Web Development development content colors animations eyesColor Psychology in Marketing by: Al Martinovic On the internet we don't deal with face to face selling. The internet is a visual and psychological medium. The words, or sales copy, on your website have by far the greatest psychological imp...
Web Development development associated colors psychological sitesHow To Write An Effective FAQ Page by: David Coyne Websites that have multiple pages usually have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)page. There are several good reasons why you should have one. An FAQ clears out any confusion your prospect mi...
Web Development development questions prospect answers quickly theyDo you know how to get your website on the first page of google’s search results? If you don’t, you soon will.Regardless of how you market your website, you should take the time to learn search engine optimization. Theres no other marketing metho...
Web Development development keyword search pages googles optimizeNovember 2003 might go down in history as the month that Google shook a lot of smug webmasters and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists from the apple tree. But more than likely, it was just a precursor of the BIG shakeup to come.Google touts...
Web Development development links google link pagerank inboundHow to Analyze Your Web Site Traffic (Part 3 of a 3 Part Series)Copyright 2002 by Herman Drost In Part 2 of this series, we discussed some of the ways to track your web site visitors. Now we will take a look at: 4. Web Traffic Analysis SoftwareThese ...
Web Development development traffic usage webalizer reportsRSS Feeds are the latest in cutting-edge tools for alert webmasters. Globally, consumers are gobbling up this latest trend. The convenience of being able to monitor all of their favorite feeds in one place carries tremendous appeal. Webmasters and ma...
Web Development development feeds time latestData repeaters in.NET are very usefull to display database records onto screen. But usually, in a real world situation, you don't have enough functionality with 1 repeater.Take for example some kind of menu structure. You want to display a categ...
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Web Development development wordpress blog theme themes availableWhen you are creating or using CGI routines, you must be careful to keepgood coding techniques, security and just plain common sense in mind.Sometimes you can do things that cause serious unexpected site effects. Infact, sometimes you may think you a...
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