I entered the world of website ownership in July of 2004. I did a Google search for “websites for sale” and found that e-Bay was a big seller. I had learned some web programming as the acting webmaster for a non-profit organization. My training c...
Web Development development sites search beganCustomer's Excellence Generates to Web Site Hosting! by: Murat Demir For those of you with Web sites, you credibly love what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, along the Internet where your Web site resid...
Web Development development hosting companies combustion throughOne of the best way to get visitors to further explore your site is to convince them to set your home page as their Internet start page, or for them to add you their "Favorites". In this article, we'll examine some ethical and unethical ways thi...
Web Development development paste script legitimate intoContent Management Systems and search engine optimization (SEO) used to be mutually exclusive terms. But the SEO community has been driving the developers of Content Management Systems to integrate more SEO-friendly methodology within their systems.C...
Web Development development content management systems search engine friendly metaNBCi, previously known as Snap, is a big portal that wascreatedby combining several well known sites together. Among otherthings, it offers entertainment and news to its visitors. Butwe're not really interested about those things, are we? Whatin...
Web Development development livedirectory directory nbci regular keywordsPortable Document Format (PDF) is the defacto file format for presenting device-independent documents on and off the Web. While PDFs have become quite popular on the Web, many PDFs used in web sites are designed for high quality print output and are ...
Web Development development pdfs file version images graphics vectorWhen a new visitor reaches your site (by whatever means), you must rememberhe has never seen it before. Yes, I know that you are intimately familiarwith every single page throughout your site, but your new visitors mostdefinitely are not.In fact, a s...
Web Development development format visitors outline pageYou can do a splendid job obtaining high search engine ranking and an equally fine job marketing your site. However, your hard work will be of little value unless your site and servers are up and fully operational. Unfortunately, items such as softw...
Web Development development monitoring server operational services emailThis article is not to persuade anyone to change their existing methods of producing websites, nor is it my intention to offend anyone. I wrote this article to defend people who like to use WYSIWYG editors.There really is nothing wrong with using a W...
Web Development development wysiwyg websites editor fromAny small or medium sized business or individual professional practice can afford to expand its operations easily by wisely investing its earned profits in the services of a professional website design and development outsourcing company from Manila,...
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