3,449 articles on "development"

Absolute & Relative Links How Do They Rank?

Absolute & Relative Links How Do They Rank? by: Martin Lemieux The question for this article is whether or not you should use "absolute url's" or "relative url's"? Not only that, this article researches whether or not Google ranks thes...

Web Development  development rank relative absolute urlaposs site

How do you write your code so that it shows up on all ormost browsers the way you want it to look? By understandingwhich browsers support which tags, and using a validationservice to check your code.There are different tags that sometimes do the same...

Web Development  development code tags browsers most
The Basics of Asking for a Reciprocal Link

Asking another webmaster for a reciprocal link is standard practice on the Internet. Webmasters have been asking other webmasters for reciprocal links since the beginnings of the Internet. The very nature of the web is linking websites to one another...

Web Development  development link email links reciprocal directory site
Do the Search Engines Know Your Website

Are you considering a search engine promotion campaign to improve your website's search engine visibility? To aid in your decision, have you checked your website to determine its search engine awareness?Perhaps you may be thinking why do I need ...

Web Development  development search engine results websiteaposs indexed google
How to Improve Search Engine Rankings

You finally got your web site listed in the major searchengines, however it is buried amongst millions of others and youstill have not seen an increase in traffic to your web site. Whynot? You need to improve your search engine rankings. Here are the...

Web Development  development search engines sites rankings traffic
Your web host could be the reason why you are a sitting duck for a DDos attack

Just as we have been forced to face terrifying new terrorist attacks in the offline world that threatens our very way of life, online and less publicized dangers are an increasing and terrifying threat.Few people realize that your choice of web host ...

Web Development  development host attacks ddos network
Advantages for Using FrontPage Part I

Ever since I've been doing SEO work, I've always griped andcomplained about FrontPage and all the extraneous code it putsin the section of the page, etc.Then recently, I had the opportunity to visit with a group ofadvanced search engine op...

Web Development  development frontpage code site
How to Choose a Web Host

How to Choose a Web Host  by: Paul Herbert Once you decide that you need web page either for your business, non-profit organization or simply a fun personal page, you then have the Herculean task of choosing a web host. Hopefully, the host you c...

Web Development  development host business space uptime
A Few Obvious Reasons to Choose Drupal Development over Other CMSs

Since its inception to the Web development arena in the year 2000, Drupal development has been a perpetual favorite for all Web developers. The code was originally designed by a Belgian student named Dries Buytaert for the site Drop.org. The source c...

Web Development  development drupal system code source modularity
Evolution Of Duplicate Content

There are many techniques involved in SEO (search engine optimization) compared in the past. Although the on-page SEO techniques remains the same, techniques used outside the website have grown and revolutionized to accommodate the ever changing algo...

Web Development  development article content techniques search copyright spinning