1,030 articles on "email"

Internet News Services Explode Online

The internet has revolutionized the way we consume news. In the past, the only way to stay informed was to buy a newspaper or watch the evening news on TV. But now, we can access news anytime, anywhere, thanks to the incredible growth of online news ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet news newspaper doesnapost online laws marketing email
Microsoft CRM Customization – programming Closed Email Activity

Microsoft CRM Customization – programming Closed Email Activity by: Boris Makushkin Microsoft CRM is CRM answer from Microsoft and attempt to get market share from Siebel, Oracle and others traditional Client Relationship Management System ven...

Computers And Internet  computers internet strpartiesxml activity commandparametersaddnew string stractivityxml guid emailid
Outlook... Not Just for Email! Using Your Outlook Contacts

Outlook is a well-known email client used by millions of people every day. However, it's much more than just an email client, it's a comprehensive personal information management tool that can be used to manage your calendar, tasks, contacts, and mor...

Computers And Internet  computers internet address outlook contacts contact email
3 Money-Making Reasons to Display Your Newsletter on Your Website

3 Money-Making Reasons to Display Your Newsletter on Your Website by: Roger C. ParkerSeeing is believing. Unless your website visitors can experience your newsletter and appreciate its value, they’re unlikely to join your opt-in, email list. B...

Business And Finance  business finance newsletter visitors email newsletters first
COMPLAIN to the FTC about spyware - April 19th, 04 hearing

Are you tired of spyware gathering information on you without your knowledge?This information is bought and sold. I can't imagine the weasals who do it have anything but nefarious purposes in mind. Protect your computer security. Speak up to the...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tired purposes hearing april comments email
Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette by: Rose DesRochers Today we are going to discuss one of my pet peeves, and learn about email etiquette. Those who don't BCC send, an email nightmare. When you send your friends an email showing all email in the to: or CC li...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email send friends address people
Wipe Out the Harassing Emails of Cyber Stalkers using a Reverse Email Trace

There are very few families left that do not have at least one computer that is used for the family to surf the World Wide Web. It is a great place for kids and teens to study and research for homework, to play games and have fun, and to perform vari...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email reverse stalkers emails
Nigerian Scam

Nigerian Scam by: Nowshade Kabir Although this scam has its root from Nigeria dated a decade back, nowadays, you receive similar scam letters from many African countries, notably, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and even South Africa. The subject lines of ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet emails scam
Anti-Phishing Bill Introduced To Congress

Sen. Partick J. Leahy has introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005 to Congress for consideration. The Act would allow federal prosecutors to seek fines of up to $250,000 and prison sentences of up to five years against individuals convicted for promo...

Legal  legal phishing scams consumers emails site
How Reliable are Cell Phones

How Reliable are Cell Phones by: Sharon Housley Cellular phones and pagers are part of the "now" generation, instant contact, anywhere at any time. People are looking for convenience, comfort and security. The question is how instantaneous and r...

Business And Finance  business finance messages sending email protocols communication carriers time