551 articles on "file"

Dating Site review: eHarmony

Dating Site review: eHarmony by: Matt Matcherson Many of the better dating sites include some advanced personality matching, but none of them come close to eHarmony’s commitment to matching. You’ve heard the ads by Dr. Neil Clark Warren...â€...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation communication profile right
Troubleshooting nVidia and Windows 98 Lockups

Troubleshooting the nVidia/Windows 98/VIA boot-screen lockup:There are times with some older nVidia video cards (i.e. the TNT2, Vanta, Vanta-LT and M64) video cards installed on certain VIA chipset motherboards(particularly the KT266 and before) with...

Computers And Internet  computers internet files windows open driver tape
Source Code: Places You May Not Have Thought To Put Keywords

Source Code: Places You May Not Have Thought To Put Keywords by: Courtney Heard We all know it's good practice to put in-context keywords into page titles, meta tags and alt tags. But here are a few places you may not have thought about. ...

Site Promotion  site promotion keywords tags file table
How To Make Sure 2004 Is Your Best Tax Year Ever

Sorry to crash your party, but as we bring in the New Year,it's also time to bring in a New Tax Season.As a small business owner or self-employed person,one of the easiest ways to keep Uncle Sam off your backand out of your life is to file your ...

Business And Finance  business finance form file federal time payment
Using External JavaScript Files

When you have lots of JavaScript functions and you plan to usethem on many web pages, it is always advisable to keep them in aseparate file, and then include that file on every page wherethose functions are required. This way, you can better organize...

Web Development  development file javascript functions write code
Hidden information is stored on your computer about every url you ever visit

What is an index.dat?An index.dat file is a hidden file that contains a record of every web site address you have ever visited and holds information on all your Internet activities, yes including emails sent and received through Outlook or Outlook Ex...

Computers And Internet  computers internet files indexdat windows these
Bankruptcy Is No Longer A Taboo Subject

Bankruptcy is not necessarily a negative thing. There are countless reasons why people need to acquire financial protection from creditors. Businesses and individuals are both able to file when needed. In the recent past, filing a Chapter 7 or Chapte...

Business And Finance  business finance chapter individuals businesses court file
Is Filing A Mesothelioma Lawsuit A Choice You Should Consider?

Since the beginning of the twentieth century asbestos manufacturers knew that the products they were making exposed millions of people to life-threatening health risks. And yet they continued to manufacture their products and selfishly ignored the fa...

Legal  legal mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit file people
A Follow-up File is the Best Friend to Your Day Planner

It's important to schedule time in your day planner - appointments with yourself - to work on the important tasks that must be done. But it's equally important to have any reference material, instructions or guidelines handy when you are re...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation planner file time folders work
7 Baskets That Help With Home Organization

These seven baskets are like magic wands; they provide instant home cleaning and home organizing solutions)Baskets are a perfect "tool" to use in organizing your home. They're often inexpensive, beautiful and functional items. And baskets are us...

Family  family baskets basket file them