403 articles on "gage"

What is a Commercial Mortgage

A commercial mortgage or commercial remortgage is a business loan which is secured against a commercial property. Commercial mortgages are often used to buy business premises, such as offices, shops, restaurants, or pubs. But they can also be used to...

Business And Finance  business finance commercial mortgage money buying mortgages
How To Get Your Offers Accepted To Buy Properties

The biggest challenge facing most real estate investors is making acceptable offers. Buying properties is the basic foundation of real estate investing. Unless you buy properties, you cannot make any money. Here is how to make offers that get acc...

Home Improvement  home improvement offer asking price balance mortgage
Are you a Victim of Predatory Lending Practices?

Are you a Victim of Predatory Lending Practices? by: Kenneth M DeLashmutt Help is available to borrowers who have claims against Predatory Lenders. Lenders all over the country are violating the Truth in Lending Act and other State laws regulati...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage closing loan company were
How To Breeze Through The Security Checkpoint At Airports

Permission is freely granted to use this article so long as our resource box remains at the end of this article with all links live.Air travel is such a common method of transportation today, we sometimes forget the practical tips to help us enjoy a ...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure items metal baggage checkpoint airport security
The Truth About the Community Reinvestment Act

Following the housing crisis and the 2008 financial collapse, there has been a lot of finger-pointing regarding the culprits of the mess. One such scapegoat has been the Community Reinvestment Act. Most people, however, have no idea what this act is,...

Government  government lending mortgage financial institutions institution high
The Principal Facts of an Interest-Only Mortgage

The Principal Facts of an Interest-Only Mortgage by: Tanu Javeri You are buying the house of your dreams with an interest-only mortgage. You'll get a low mortgage payment, and you'll maximize your tax deduction, all on your current inc...

Family  family interest mortgage borrowers payment
Doing Business Based on Trust and How it Can Backfire

This article is intended as a general warning to anyone embarking on a business venture with someone who you believe you can trust, or who you have worked with for a long period of time. The article is written following an arrangement with a man ca...

Business And Finance  business finance peter worked aston mortgages mortgage
Don't Sell Your HouseEver!

Don't Sell Your HouseEver! by: Neeraj VarmaKeeping your existing house when you buy a new one could be THE most profitable financial decision you could make. Consider the following:1. Second stream of income: When you move to another place ...

Business And Finance  business finance income rental mortgage house property
A Guide to Getting a Bad Credit Remortgage

A Guide to Getting a Bad Credit Remortgage by: John Mussi There are several reasons why you might be in the market for a bad credit remortgage. You might be wanting to try to lock in a lower interest rate, or perhaps you simply need to use the b...

Business And Finance  business finance credit remortgage loan lower mortgage
MORTGAGE: Rehabilitation Of Financial Helplessness

MORTGAGE: Rehabilitation Of Financial Helplessness by: Amanda Thompson The term ‘mortgage’ is assumed really controversial by people when they are contemplating the idea of taking a loan. It is definitely a very simple procedure which is pre...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage rate fixed loan time