967 articles on "hobbies"

3 Rules For Sketching Outstanding Realistic Drawings

Even expert artists occasionally struggle with crafting realistic three-dimensional pictures. Naturally they know the fundamental principles and produce naturalistic drawings intuitively. Only occasionally even the most experienced discover parts in ...

Hobbies  hobbies dimensional drawing elements
The Settlers Of The Catan

Settlers Of The Catan board game challenges two to four players to settle a deserted island. To play, you build a random island full of resources and give each resource a number. Settlers Of The Catan is a great way to teach kids about strategy, neg...

Hobbies  hobbies players trade resources board game player
Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks for Selling at Craft Shows

Copyrights, Patents & Trademarks for Selling at Craft Shows by: Natalie Goyette Copyrights, are common concerns for craftspeople. If you've invented a unique product, you will more than likely want to protect it from others who can create k...

Hobbies  hobbies copyright copyrighted craft work works
Night Photography: Photographing The Moon In The Landscape

Night Photography: Photographing The Moon In The Landscape by: David Rose Photographers have been trying to utilize the light of the moon in their landscape photography ever since the photographic process was invented. It was not until World War...

Hobbies  hobbies photography night light
Digital Photo Tips

What is the biggest misconception about a camera's aperture? Most beginner photographers believe that the aperture controls the shutter speed or vice versa. Actually, shutter speed and aperture work together to get the best exposure for the imag...

Hobbies  hobbies aperture shutter speed
What Is An Un-circulated Coin?

What Is An Un-circulated Coin? by: Lana Hampton You may have heard the terms proof coin and un-circulated coin, but what's the difference between these two? To understand the difference between a proof and un-circulated coin, let's fir...

Hobbies  hobbies coin circulated coins marks design grade proof
Pokemon Diamond: The Complete Review

Pokemon has been an important name since its beginning in the mid-nineties, and the series continues to produce powerful additions to the gaming world. The creator's original intent carries forth to Pokemon Diamond, immersing players into the ch...

Hobbies  hobbies pokemon world game players diamond
Guide in Propagating Bonsai Chinese Elm

There are a lot of tree species that can be converted to a miniature tree. They can be made an indoor bonsai, outdoor bonsai, or both because some species can tolerate both environments. However, there are chosen tree species that are very good as a ...

Hobbies  hobbies tree bonsai chinese bark propagated species
Great Tips for Caring for Your Juniper Bonsai Tree

Juniper trees are among the most popular of the coniferous trees for creating beautiful bonsai trees. The Juniper tree can be found in many countries all around the world, and there are over fifty different varieties. If you're just getting star...

Hobbies  hobbies bonsai water juniper tree trees soil
Be An Exhibitionist: How to Show Your Roses

Be An Exhibitionist: How to Show Your Roses by: Ron King Now that you have a rose garden you are proud of, it's time to take the next step and let others see the beauty of your roses. Rose shows and exhibits are exciting events where you ge...

Hobbies  hobbies rose show bloom stem roses