69 articles on "hormone"

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy? by: David Chandler Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that combines estrogen and progestin to restore the premenopausal levels of estrogen. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for ...

Health  health therapy replacement hormone benefits menopause vaginal
How to Lose Belly Fat Latest Secrets from the Research Labs, Part 2

In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories around the world.Abdominal fat is now seen as a growing health hazard, an indicator and contributor to “Syndr...

Health  health levels dhea hormone syndrome medical disease
New Treatments That Offer Increased Hope For Osteoporosis Patients

New Treatments That Offer Increased Hope For Osteoporosis Patients by: Janet Vasquez For a time, hormone replacement therapy (the administration of estrogen either alone or in combination with other hormones) served as the preferred treatment fo...

Health  health osteoporosis women therapy calcitonin hormone treatment
Detecting Menopause Through Testing

Detecting Menopause Through Testing by: Kathryn Whittaker Menopause comes from two Greek words that mean “month” and “to end,” and the current medical definition of menopause means exactly the same: the absence of menstruation for twelve...

Women  women menopause woman symptoms hormone tests

EFFECTS OF HORMONE LOSSAs women age estrogen levels fall, which impacts many parts of the body including skin, bones, and bladderDry itchy skin is a common complaint. FACT: Without estrogen, the body tissues lose elasticity and shrink. A common compl...

Women  women hormone estrogen menopause fact replacement
What is the menstrual cycle?

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, which helps a womans body prepare for the possibility of pregnancy each month. A cycle starts on the first day of a period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. However, a cycle can range anywhere ...

Health  health cycle menstrual tinnitus hormones days hormone period
Hormone Replacement Therapy vs. Natural Progesterone

If your doctor has recently prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) supplements, you probably have a lot of questions. You’re not alone. Throughout our many years in the industry, our most commonly asked question is, “Why don’t doctors pre...

Women  women progesterone natural hormone mddr
Natural Human Growth Hormone

Natural Human Growth Hormone by: Natalie Aranda As we age, we experience major deterioration in our body structure which affects our way of living. One of the most important factors that deteriorate in function as we age is growth hormone (HGH)....

Health  health hormone growth human pituitary natural gland which
The Hormonal Benefits for Mothers and Babies of Kangaroo Mother Care

Production of certain hormones before, during and after pregnancy not only aid in the physiological process of child bearing, but in the emotional process as well. Certain hormones are produced which promote the mother and child bond. Kangaroo Mother...

Parenting  parenting mother hormones certain skin process child production
The Crucial Elements You Need To Know About Federal Way Hormone Replacement Therapy

Everyone ages with the passage of time and with the passing on age there comes a stage that witnesses a considerable fall in the hormonal level inside the body. And with the fall in hormone level the scars of aging become even more deep and the perso...

Health  health hormone therapy hormonal