13 articles on "hyaluronic"

New Sources of Hyaluronic Acid Provide Hope for Increased Availability - Hyaluronic Acid Injection Restylane ® Announces New Rewards Program

New Sources of Hyaluronic Acid Provide Hope for Increased Availability - Hyaluronic Acid Injection Restylane ® Announces New Rewards Program by: Jana Willinger E-Hyaluronicacid.com announced recently that research continues into the purifica...

Health  health hyaluronic acid restylane injection rewards program treatment
The Exotic Origins of Hyaluronic Acid Treatments

While hyaluronic acid has exploded in popularity among the cosmetics community, most people are unaware of the molecule’s exotic history.Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, naturally plays an important role in tissue hydration and lubrication. Simpl...

Health  health hyaluronic acid yuzuri oral skin hara
Discover a Top Rate Eye Cream

Are you just plain fed up? There are a lot of issues that a product to be considered a top rated eye cream must address. The area around the eyes is hit harder than any part of you during the course of the aging process. This is because it is not onl...

Women  women acid hyaluronic elastin loss