266 articles on "ideas"

Build Solar Cell - The Most Beneficial Factor Of Salvaging One's Environment

Having ideas on making your very handmade solar panels just to give it a shot? You're recently off the grid and craving for something even larger? Managing for a rewarding project would significantly vary on precisely how accurate you might be w...

Environment  environment solar panel panels ideas best
Small Business Innovation - How To Develop An Innovation Strategy To Set Your Business Apart

Innovation in business is not a new concept. In fact, this is something that has been discussed openly for more than a hundred years. An example is the work of George Hormel, who in 1891 built a meat processing plant outside of his small town in Minn...

Business And Finance  business finance innovation ideas instead
Some Precious Wedding Gift Ideas

An invitation to an occasion brings several tensions altogether, one of which is to select an apt gift for the recipient. Christmas is one such occasion where exchange of gifts is a custom and is found to be mandatory. Several items have been made av...

Family  family gift gifts christmas wedding ideas
Become a Recognized Expert in Your Field and Increase Your Sales

A lot of people write to me to ask my advice on home businessesand marketing. It started of with an e-mail here, a phone callthere, but soon the questions started flooding in. Now I canbarely keep up on my e-mail, and it's come to my attention t...

Marketing  marketing business ideas iaposm people started
10 Ways Focus Groups Can Propel Your Profits

ays Focus Groups Can Propel Your Profits by: Larry DotsonA focus group is a group of employees or current customers that discuss and brainstorm new ways to improve different parts of your business. 1. They can give you new ideas on how to advert...

Online Business  online business give example ideas employees products
How You Can Boost Your Creativity

How You Can Boost Your Creativity by: Royane Real Would you like to be more creative? Do you think that increased creativity is something that would improve your life? Before you answer yes or no to that question, take some time to explore what...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation creative inner creativity ideas
A Bit of Pollyanna

"Stop being such a Pollyanna," a trusted, more experienced colleague counseled as we took the long route back to my office. He had just witnessed my project idea annihilated as co-workers eagerly argued why my idea wouldn't work, where it was f...

Business And Finance  business finance idea ideas pollyanna itaposs
The Big Bang Publicity Campaign

Famous is as famous does and the famous get known through publicity. Yes, that’s right, fame doesn’t discover you, you create it through strategic campaigning. What’s more, the techniques for increasing your exposure isn’t as difficult to at...

Marketing  marketing press ideas release publications
How To Find Ideas For Creating Your Own Profitable Products

How To Find Ideas For Creating Your Own Profitable Products  by: Charles Kangethe (c) 2004 Charles Kangethe In this Article we look at the third competitive advantage of successful Internet Marketers - Creating Products. The main problem with c...

Online Business  online business products product research market ideas commercial process
Stimulate Creativity and Learning

What does cultivating creativity add to the workplace andyour business? The benefits are huge but are oftenunderestimated by most people. Companies who wish toprogress quickly and stay ahead need to stimulatecreativity and learning among their employ...

Business And Finance  business finance creativity employees ideas company management