10,191 articles on "improve"

Argue With Yourself and Improve Your Health

Argue With Yourself and Improve Your Health by: Dr. Tony FioreEven as a child, James was described by teachers and his parents as a happy optimist. As the story goes, one day his parents decided to play a joke on him and test his attitude by req...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation belief optimistic will
Seeing Purple On Pens and Paying Attention

It's back-to-school time once again, and purple is IN.I'm not talking about fashion trendsthough the September issues of mostmagazines are singing the praises of plum and berry shades. No, I'm referring to the hottest item at Office De...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation purple color itaposs pens donapost
Best Trees for Growing in Lawns

Trees for LawnsIn order to be a good tree to grow in a lawn it needs a number of things going for it. In particular a good lawn tree:1.Should be deciduous, meaning it should loose all of its leaves in the winter. This will let in light in the winter...

Home Improvement  home improvement tree trees lawn zones fall
When You Don't Get What You Expect; Inspect What You Got!

What do you do when everything goes wrong? What do you do when there is no place to turn? What do you do when today is just not your day and tomorrow isn't looking too good either? What do you do when you tell everyone what you need and all they...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation circumstances words fire when
It's About More Than Money are you charging what you're

Article Use GuidelinesUse in opt-in publications, or on Web sites, but please includethe resource box. If you could send a copy to me at emailaddress: mailto:ab@digital-e.biz , I appreciate it. Many thanks.Summary: Price takers and price makers. Are ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation youaposre price rates theyaposre
Can You Increase Your Brain Power

What Do You Think?Can you solve problems easily? Can you learn new things efficiently? Can you increase your brain power? Whatever you think and feel about these questions, those thoughts and feelings will have an effect on your brain function, becau...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation brain thinkself
Creative Problem-Solving Following Your Stream of Consciousness

You have permission to publish this article electronicallyor in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines areincluded and the resource box is left unchanged. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.Creative Problem-Solving: Follo...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation consciousness stream writing problem
Knowledge Is NOT Power

For generations, society’s mantra to us was, "Knowledge ispower." And that knowledge equaled power. As long as thiscontinued to be subjective, unproven, society kept singingthe mantra. Boom! The Internet comes along, knowledge increases 10,000perce...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation knowledge start action already
Top Ten Ways to Inspire People to be Their best

We all know people who are inspiring. But just how does one inspire others? Here are ten simple ways you can inspire people to be their best:1. Be a good example. People watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. Be someone worth emulat...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people share inspiring inspire they
Behind the Scenes in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood

Do... you... know... why... Mr.... Rogers...of... Mr.... Rogers'... Neighbor... hood... TV... show... talks... so... very... slowly... and... very... clearly... and... uses... little...tiny... words?During my college years, I had the privilege o...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation rogers puppets children fred