10,191 articles on "improve"


This is the Space Age! Explorations in outer Space are going on in leaps and bounds. Yet the problems of the individual are not that much different from those of the earlier stages of civilization. They're only more so!This is the age of explora...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation space power lives take
7 Ways To Put Your Life On A Diet

Life is hard enough without piling more and moreexpectations on yourself. It's like trying to diet in achocolate factory! Instead try these 7 ways to help youlighten up, reduce worry, and give yourself a break. You'llcome out on the other s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life goalsself
Harness Your Personal Power

Being in control of your life is more than simply feeling in control. After all, while you may believe you are consciously making controlled decisions, your actions may actually be sabotaging your life.To harness your personal power is to become more...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation powerself personal drops life

We all have our cherished dreams. Held close to our heartand sometimes hidden even from our closest people, we expect it to be realized one day. But how do we do it.Dream vividly: Let the dream flow. Try to see all the details. Feelas if the dream ha...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation dream model cherished details vision
That's Not How It's S'posed To Be

When things are not “how they’re supposed to he,” how we suffer. Life events which assault our assumptions of how life should be are difficult to handle and require patience in the recovery, and rely on the development of strong emotional intel...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation supposed things life
Can You Become A Better Friend After Taking A Friendship Quiz

Q. Does a friendship quiz really work?A. That depends upon what results you are seeking from a friendship quiz. If you are seeking to learn how to become a better friend, then the real results are found more in understanding the lessons that are hidd...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation friendship quiz traits friend good
Neutralize the negatives!

We are repeatedly told that we should forget about unpleasant experiences (failures) and focus on pleasant ones (successes). I agree totally with the last part of this proposition but only partly with the bit on forgetting about your unpleasant exper...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation experiences negative theyself them
Increase Acknowledgment for More Ease in Your Relationships

In a program on "Power Thinking for Better Living," there was a woman named Sherry in the audience—and she was frustrated. She said she was doing a decent job of managing her life; her problem, she stated, was her husband and her teenage son. She c...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation sherry people will
Your Friends and Your Wealth

From tender age, we were exposed to myths about money and myths of being rich. Be it from our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, or friends. The myths that we have determine our financial well being in our adult lives.I call them myths because t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation money myths rich debt
Whose Thought is it Anyway

Winter is finally yielding to spring in the New England town I live in. I woke up this morning excited to go outside for a walk to feel the warming air and sunshine on my face. As I walked briskly throughout my neighborhood I was grateful for my life...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life thoughts lodge fear