10,191 articles on "improve"

I am unique.

We have given a lot of thought, paid an indecent amount of money and taken much action over the years to change the way we are. To become ‘better’ human beings. To make the most of this life we have. To get rid of the behaviours that are counterp...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation someoneself natural only
How to Learn What You Need to Learn in Order to Succeed

It used to be a college education was enough, and then you would learn a few job skills and be on your way. People often stayed in the same job, much less career, for their entire working life.In today’s fast-paced workplace, the college education ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation intelligence emotional work skills start
Growth from Discontent ... Life's way of giving you a little push.

That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something. A word for that feeling is "discontent." Discontent is a state of not being satisfied or fulfilled in you...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation discontent feeling change life situation however
Never Be Lied To Again!

Never be lied to again!The techniques you are about to acquire are based on hypnotic understanding of the human sub-conscious. You will be amazed at how accurate this information is. It takes most people some thought and practice to get really good a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation bowling alley fire
Your Best is Not For Saving

Your Best Is Not For SavingMy mother-in-law received a set of sterling silver flatware as a wedding gift. She kept the silver in a wooden box on a top shelf. As far as I know, she only used the silver on the rare occasions when she hosted her womenâ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation silver saving sterling
I'm always busy, but nothing much gets done!

I decided to finally clean out the shed in our back yard recently. My wife left the house early on a Saturday morning to run some errands and I knew that my cleaning the shed would please her greatly. On the way out the door to fulfill my noble task,...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time phone garbage wife
Ace the Job Interview with Emotional Intelligence

A job interview is a stressful situation because the stakes are high. If you really want the job, or need the job, it’s important to put your best foot forward. Here are 10 ways to apply emotional intelligence to the situation for positive results....

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation workself intelligence
1 Phrase You Didn't Hear At School - But Should Have!

‘Je suis un chat’.That means ‘I am a cat’ in French.I was taught that when I was, ooh, let’s see, maybe 11 years old?I studied French until I was 18, in fact I was quite good at it.Despite the fact that my teacher said I had one of the wors...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation taught life achieveself strong worthy
Communicate Powerfully to Get What You Want

The most important skill you can develop is the ability to consistently communicate powerfully. When you are confident about your communication, you can easily ask for help picking up the kids at school, a raise, even a date. Use these Powerful Comm...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation communication makeself message speak
Choosing the Right Wallpaper

There is literally thousands of different colors, different patterns even different types of wallpaper. How do you know which color, or which pattern will suit it’s surroundings the best? Read on, and you will have a good idea!Color / Pattern - Thi...

Home Improvement  home improvement wallpaper different