10,191 articles on "improve"

Mindfulness and Retirement Time To Play

I have a 17-year-old daughter who is finishing up a year in Vitoria, Brazil. She's been having the time of her life in a gorgeous coastal city with the beaches of her dreams and the cute guys to match. What's not to like? Tara told us that ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation start brazil retirement
How to Transplant Irises

In my experience, irises are among the easiest flowers to transplant.One spring many years ago, an older friend of mine dug up an iris bed at her home. They were bearded irises a lovely shade of lilac purple and she moved some of them to a differen...

Home Improvement  home improvement irises roots years about
Mindfulness and Birthdays Surprising Moments

The first week of May is a big birthday time for my family. My husband's birthday is May 3rd, and my oldest daughter's is May 6th. This convergence seemed almost too good to be true the week that Taeko was born. We were living in rural Japa...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation birthday years from
Higher Intelligence Through Music

You Are What You Listen To Can music really help you think better? Yes, according to the research that has been done so far. Listening to, and participating in music creates new neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. Studies have sh...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation music brain state
Who Cares What Your IQ Is?

You Want Brain Power, Not Scores! Would you like to know what your IQ is? Want to improve it? What is IQ anyhow? The American Heritage Dictionary defines Intelligence Quotient as "The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation intelligence brain
Composting the Easy Way

Composting the Easy Way by: Michael McGroarty Having an ample supply of good rich compost is the gardeners dream. It has many uses, and all of those uses will result in nicer plants. However, composting can be time consuming and hard work. I pl...

Home Improvement  home improvement material compost pile bins
Budget Decorating - What Is It?

Budget Decorating - What Is It? by: LaJoyce Kerns What is Budget Decorating? Budget decorating. You see this phrase a lot but what does it mean? Does it mean the same thing to you that it does to me? Probably not, and here’s why. The term "dec...

Home Improvement  home improvement budget decorating when
Environmentally Safe Ways to Remove Weeds

Environmentally Safe Ways to Remove Weeds by: Dean Novosat There is a lot of concern about herbicides and what they are doing to our environment. Large amounts of chemicals leech into our groundwater polluting our water supply. Cancers and stran...

Home Improvement  home improvement weeds water lawn weed
Turning Scarcity Thinking into Abundance Thinking: Hurricane Katrina's Lesson for the Rest of Us

Turning Scarcity Thinking into Abundance Thinking: Hurricane Katrina's Lesson for the Rest of Us by: Alicia Forest The devastation that has rocked the Gulf Coast recently is almost unimaginable, isn’t it? I know these are extraordinary ci...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation thinking abundance would
Stay Debt Free this Xmas - Top 10 Tips

Stay Debt Free this Xmas - Top 10 Tips by: Linda Anderson Xmas can be a financially stressful time for many people and that takes the fun out of the festive season. The funny thing about Xmas is it occurs every year and at the same time every ye...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation xmas family debt each