10,191 articles on "improve"

The Kaizen of Goal Setting

The Kaizen of Goal Setting by: Ke o agile Khiba There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! The old way of goal-setting involved setting yor goals, preparing a list of sub-goals, and then carefully checking them off one af...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goal setting flexible goals shifting
Information and facts about granite

It is widely accepted that the formation of Granite occurs when molten rock under pressure solidifies. However there is evidence to support other methods for the formation of this substance. Lack of evidence for contact between the granite and surro...

Home Improvement  home improvement granite evidence formation widely generally surface
What Calls You

You have permission to publish this article electronically or inprint as long as the resource box is included. Please notify meof publication by sending a website link or copy of yourpublication to claudette@metavoice.org.Word Count: 718 wordsThanks,...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation calling life action universe
7 Tips to Have More Tiime

7 Tips to Have More Timeby Barbara Myers1. Reduce distractions so you can focus on your priorities. Turn off the TV. Arrange for quiet time at the office.2. Make a list of your priorities. Do tasks and activities relating to those first.3. Get rid of...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time office tasks priorities list barbara delegate
Discomfort, a stepping stone to joy

Welcome, come in and sit down. Make yourself uncomfortable.Have you ever greeted a guest at your door that way? I haven’teither, but maybe we should consider doing so. We usually wantour guests to be comfortable. But offering discomfort might bea b...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life discomfort comfortable were
10 Great Life Skills to Have, Use and Improve!

It takes a lot of skills to negotiate through life. Many of them we pick up along the way, others we need to develop, and some we just need to polish a little bit. Here are ten important life skills:1. Listening2. Giving compliments3. Accepting compl...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation skills compliments life important
Advantage of a riding Lawn Mower

There are a variety of riding lawn mowers on the market today. Some of them offer high horse power, versatility through attachments, excellent maneuverability and more; but, the most important feature on which you can focus is that of safety. You ar...

Home Improvement  home improvement lawn riding mowers safety attachments before
Kitchen Improvements – Enjoy Now and When You Sell

Kitchen Improvements – Enjoy Now and When You Sell by: Raynor James Who would’ve ever though the kitchen could be the key to building wealth in your home? Well, it is. If you are going to increase the value of your home through improvements,...

Home Improvement  home improvement kitchen cabinets areas improvements
Aluminium Shutters and Roller Shutters for Utmost Security

Aluminium shutters and roller shutters are the best tools for both residential and commercial applications. They may be made up of the aluminium or galvanized steel strips. Once you have ensured the safety, you can take a breath with peace of mind. ...

Home Improvement  home improvement shutters aluminium roller security prior basic
Increase Your Homes Curb Appeal and Save on Bills With Wooden Shutters

If you are searching for a lasting investment to bring the exterior charm of your home to another level, consider the addition of custom wooden shutters. Wooden shutters are unparalleled in beauty and durability with the added benefit of being a prov...

Home Improvement  home improvement shutters wooden exterior added