10,191 articles on "improve"

Mother Of Invention Or Dummy? You Decide!

er Of Invention Or Dummy? You Decide! by: Richard Vegas What would you say to yourself if when faced with a severe problem that could potentially devastate your lifestyle? What would happen if you "did" the first thing that came into your mind? ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation necessity dummy wordsself
Unlock the Key to your Success by learning more about Yourself

Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. Learning more about yourself is an important first step in creating balance in your life. It is easy to ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life business
What Do You Have To Lose

What Have You Got To Lose?Helaine Iris© 2002“You gotta dance like nobody's watching, dream like you will live forever, live like you’re going to die tomorrow and love like it's never going to hurt.” —Meme GrifstersThe summer I ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life time
Buying A Romantic Gift For Him

Buying gifts for a man is easy if you know what his interests are. And while many of the gifts that men like won't necessarily qualify as 'romantic' - at least from a woman's point of view - this is the time to be a little flexib...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation gift time
What Do We Tell Our Children

What Do We Tell Our Children?orLittle Pitchers Have Big EarsIn the last few days, be it on a TV interview, a call in program, at a meeting or a consultation, people ask variations of the following questions. “What do we tell our children about the ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation children
Healing the Midlife Love Crisis

All I wanted was to fall in love and live happily ever after. The End.Except it wasn’t that simple. At forty-something, I was hardly “on the shelf”, but I was the veteran of two divorces. That gave rise to plenty of self doubt. It gave rise to ...

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Affirmations For Success + Music = POW!

Affirmations for success are powerful and effective in their own right, and when used together with music, it's a double whammy!Music penetrates our mental barriers and influences the deepest areas of our mind. The right music, combined with the...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation success music right dabba
“How To Tell If Someone You Meet In An Online Profile Or Advert Is Married/Partnered Or A Troll Article 1 of 5

Subtitle – A Troll? What the is that and why shouldI give a hoot?First, let’s get clear on our terms.For the purpose of this article, “Troll” has two meanings.1.The traditional online meaning (if there is such athing) is someone who posts mes...

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Dating Someone with Another Faith Background

You’re dating and your religious beliefs are different. Howmuch difference does this make?The answer is: Another person’s religious beliefs areimportant to you to the degree they’re important to you. This may sound like begging the question, bu...

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A safe place for your mind

Emotions tend to dominate our actions and reactions, even though we like to claim otherwise. Society often sees emotions as a sign of weakness, so we got used to putting them aside and try to focus on the rational aspects more and more. But no matte...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation even