184 articles on "injury"

Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions

Approximately 12.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States were reported on December 2003. This amounts to about one crash per second - quite an alarming data. To boot, we should dispel myths, misconceptions and erroneous judgment about ...

Legal  legal vehicle damage injury bumper injuries physical
Six Crucial Insurance Claim Possibilities

There are DOZENS of insurance claim possibilities which will increase the dollars awarded you in the settlement of your personal injury insurance claim. Some of them rarely see the light of day but some do. The six I’ve listed below are crucial for...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks injury claim will
Finding an Injury Lawyer

Finding an Injury Lawyer by: Jeff Lakie A personal injury is something that we hope never to have to endure. Whether it occurs at work or elsewhere, there is little doubt that such an injury can be traumatic, both in physical and emotional terms...

Legal  legal injury personal time lawyer
You Suspect Negligence In Your Father's Nursing Home

Negligence that happens in a nursing home may not necessarily be caused by abuse or neglect. It can happen when nursing staff are not sufficiently trained or unintentionally cause an injury whilst caring for a resident due to lack of proper skill. A ...

Legal  legal negligence care injury medical which
Whiplash Injury Options

If you have a whiplash injury you probably know the pain that it can cause. A whiplash injury happens when your head or neck is quickly whipped around from a high velocity car crash and such an injury can be debilitating resulting in symptoms that ra...

Legal  legal injury whiplash accident insurance company
~Adjuster Henry Hard-Nose ~ And Your “Pain And Suffering”

WHEN IT COMES TO A MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT YOUR “PAIN AND SUFFERING” IS WHAT YOU GET PAID BIG BUCKS FOR: It’s an absolute necessity that you ask a doctor or chiropractor to provide you with medial attention as soon as possible after youve been s...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks hard pain nose injury will
Your Insurance Claim - Medical Insights And Expenses

There’s nothing that has a greater impact on evaluating a personal injury insurance claim than the damage done to your body, the medical bills that are a direct result of that injury and the “pain and suffering” you were forced to deal with. Be...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks pain injury insurance claim
A Solicitor's Role in Helping You With Your Injury Claim

If you think that you have suffered an injury that you may be able to claim compensation for, then you should seek the advice of an experience accident claim solicitor immediately. Proving that your injury was caused by the fault of another is a diff...

Legal  legal claim injury solicitor compensation
Finding The Right Lawyer To Represent You

Finding The Right Lawyer To Represent You by: Dan Baldyga Adjuster Henry Hustle from GiveAwayNothing Insurance tried to take advantage of you so you’ve decided to obtain the services of an attorney. Here are some insights you should consider: ...

Legal  legal insurance personal injury case
Auto Accident Insurance Claim Personal Injury Insights

Accident Insurance Claim Personal Injury Insights by: Dan Baldyga There’s nothing that has a greater impact on evaluating a personal injury insurance claim than the damage done to your body, the medical bills that are a direct result of that i...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks pain injury insurance vehicle company