130 articles on "lectio"

Debt Collectors And The Games They Play

Debt Collectors have a bad reputation. Rightfully so. Many of them take advantage of the fact that most Americans don't know their rights regarding the collection of a debt. In order to collect a debt, many of them will lie, misrepresent facts, ...

Business And Finance  business finance debt collector debtor collection creditor
Options for A Widow With A Wine Collection

Not every widowed woman is fortunate enough to be a Laure Flatt or a Betsey Apple, with their deceased husbands leaving them sizable, world-renowned collections of fine vintage wine. These lucky ladies had absolutely no interest in owning these purpl...

Relationships  relationships wine selling collection sell
Increase In-House Collections

Increase In-House Collections by: Steve Austin When you provide a consumer service or product, you have the legal and moral right to be paid within contractual terms. Consumer accounts not paid within your payment terms can restrict your cash fl...

Business And Finance  business finance consumer customer payment collection accounts will
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act by: Steve Austin Declaration Of Purpose: An abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair credit collection practices by many debt collectors led to the declaration of the Fair Debt Collect...

Legal  legal debt consumer collector collection person such
Political Marketing, Meet Marketing 2.0

Everyone markets their brand, including Presidential candidates. Whereas in the past, candidates have relied heavily upon volunteers to create a grassroots movement through door-to-door and telephone marketing, the 2008 election has added internet te...

Government  government door campaign donapost candidate election
The Art of Feathering in Photoshop

Some people are startled on how wonderful images look with blurred edges. They certainly don’t know how easy it is to do it. It is called a feathered edge in Photoshop (PS). You can put in many feathered images together to get a wonderful collage t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet feathering image images selection feather effect
Liberal Vs Labor - 2010 Australian Federal Election Ramblings

The 2010 Australian Federal Election is going to be an interesting one. Both leaders are new to the lead post and although they have years of political experience under their belt, it could go either way. Gillard vs Abbott. Well, for the sake of the ...

Government  government gillard election labor greens
Image Pro 9 Powered Desktop Publishing Program

Microsoft provided software carrying two CDs Digital Image Suite 9 and the Digital Image Pro 9. It comes with wizards that walk you through the process, and tutorials that help you get started right away. The software also includes thousands of desig...

Computers And Internet  computers internet digital image photos photo tools selection
Five Easy Pieces - Mix and Match Wardrobes for Kids

Let’s face it, life is hectic enough without having to worry about whether your little guy or gal is going to have a matching outfit to wear every day. To the relief of parents everywhere, there are several fashion forward baby and children clothin...

Family  family match fashion line collection prints
Six Things To Know Before Joining A CD Club

(1) The BMG Music Club offers the best deal you'll find online, which is receiving 11 CDs for the price of shipping ($2.79 each) when you buy one CD at full club price, which is typically about $15 plus shipping. However, the selection may not b...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure clubs club selection will