544 articles on "mage"

How To Create 3D Effects Using Corel 10

How To Create 3D Effects Using Corel 10 by: Blur Lorena CorelDRAW’s tenth edition software, the CorelDraw 10, is an upgraded combination of CorelDRAW and Corel Photo-Paint with new features and a unified interface. It has added features from C...

Computers And Internet  computers internet photo image object corel paint select color page
The Children In Danger From A Lithium Battery

These days a lot of children are admitted to hospitals for battery-ingestion related sickness. For this reason parents should be watchful of leaving any lithium battery anywhere in the house. Parents may not understand that ingesting a lithium batte...

Family  family battery lithium parents esophagus damage batteries
Sprains and Joint Pain

SPRAINS, STRAIN, FRACTURE, AND DISLOCATIONS Traumatic injuries cause damage to tissues. The incidental rupturing of ancillary and primary blood vessels supplying these tissues internally bleed at the site of trauma. The blood supplies normally bring...

Health  health blood traumatic tissues vessels bleeding damage
Scanning Made Easy?

Scanning Made Easy? by: Blur Loterina When you scan an image, does it look more like a duplicate made by a photocopier? Does enlarging your image give you headache because you always get a sort of colored boxes, instead? A scanner is just like a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet image resolution images scanner color original
Assistance for Hurricane Victims

In response to the overwhelming demand for assistance with hurricane insurance claim settlements and storm damage restoration, Paramount Disaster Recovery has set up the www.hurricane-claims.com web site to expedite the recovery process for residenti...

Business And Finance  business finance recovery insurance disaster paramount damage storm hurricane restoration
You Are What You Wear

As the age-old adage goes, "You are what you eat," but have you ever considered the idea that "You are what you wear?" Fashion is more than just a way to express oneself; it is a form of nonverbal communication that can speak volumes about a person. ...

Business And Finance  business finance professional image casual impression wear
Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions

Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions by: Maricon Williams Approximately 12.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States were reported on December 2003. This amounts to about one crash per second - quite an alarming data. To boot, we ...

Legal  legal vehicle damage injuries quantitative physical injury bumper
Should You Have Higher Deductibles On Your Coverage

What is a deductible? A deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance carrier pays any claim. Insurance companies offer deductibles on certain coverage in insurance policies as a method of sharing risk with the people they insure. Insurers b...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks deductible coverage insurance fault damage
Cyan And Magenta Why The Goofy Names

Anybody who has purchased ink cartridges know that there is no blue orred ink. Cyan sure looks blue and Magenta definitely looks red to me sowhy don't they just call them blue and red instead of cyan and magenta?I'll try to clear things up...

Computers And Internet  computers internet magenta colors color blue primary dots shades
Graphics for the web The Most Common Formats

One of the early problems on the net was how to display graphics. The firstbrowsers only displayed textual information - the modern browser with it'simages, multimedia and plugin's did not exist. Everything was text based.Now there are hund...

Web Development  development format images image graphics formats browsers