128 articles on "otec"

A Beginner's Guide to Avoiding Viruses

A Beginner's Guide to Avoiding Viruses by: Jesse S. Somer “Aaaaaahhhhhh! I’ve been invaded by a virus!” Getting a virus means getting sick and no one in their right mind wants to be ill. Well, now that computers have become our close ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet virus computer viruses delete protection
Use an Intellectual Property Specialist to Protect Your Bright Idea

People often associate intellectual property with legally patenting a physical product to make sure that no one else can copy it. However, the protection of a new idea, brand, piece of software can be just as important as a physical item. Internatio...

Legal  legal intellectual property protect concept scientific idea protection which
Equestrian Products - Woof Wear : A review

Woof Wear have been, designing, creating and manufacturing horse boots from the highest quality neoprene, Kevlar and Airprene alongside cutting edge manufacturing techniques and state-of-the-art computer aided design. They take great care to ensure t...

Pets And Animals  pets animals boots horse woof neoprene protection wear
7 Steps to Protect Yourself from the Winter Sun

7 Steps to Protect Yourself from the Winter Sun by: Roger Carr What outdoor activities did you do this past summer? Maybe you went on a vacation to the beach. Maybe you spent some time playing your favorite sports such as baseball, golf, or tenn...

Health  health winter protection sunscreen
Free Alternative Source of Energy from the Ocean

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) was conceived of by the French engineer Jacques D'Arsonval in 1881. However, at the time of this writing the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii is home to the only operating experimental OTEC plant on the ...

Environment  environment otec energy presently ocean thermal level
Life Insurance Providing Little Protection from Terrorism

Life Insurance Providing Little Protection from Terrorism by: Richard Green Recent statements by the City of London Police Commissioner James Hart that future terrorist attacks in London’s financial centre are, "a matter of when, rather than i...

Business And Finance  business finance fire protection policies terrorist financial
Local Searches Of Public Criminal Records

Being more careful is better than being regretful at the end of the day. In the present time, when people can easily hide their true identity from everybody, becoming a victim of different crimes is rather high. Good thing, the government has given i...

Legal  legal people arrest protect identity easily
Motorcycle Protective clothing That works!

There is some great looking motorcycle clothing on the market these days, but believe me not all of the motorcycle clothing offers as much protection as you think. In Europe, for motorcycle clothing to be lawfully sold as “safety clothing, it has t...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks motorcycle clothing protection leather reinforced
Protect Your Ideas With Copyrights and Patents

Protect Your Ideas With Copyrights and PatentsbyTim KnoxSmall Business Q&ACopyright 2003http://www.smallbusinessqa.comQ: Can you tell me the difference between a copyright and a patent? Also is that something I should let a lawyer handle for me? A: A...

Business And Finance  business finance patent copyright work works protects
Recommendations On Using Boat Constructing Epoxy

Small Boat Plans The adhesive required in the boat constructing sector is termed boat building epoxy. Epoxy is a thermosetting polymer whose chemical name is polyepoxide. Epoxy is formed when its two constituents are mixed in a selected ratio. These...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports epoxy boat epoxies protective