4,369 articles on "people"

What To Consider When You Buy Solar Panels

More and more people today want to cut down their expense in electricity. One way to do this is to limit the use of any electrical appliance in our homes, but most of us find this difficult to do. Another alternative is to buy solar panels for your ...

Environment  environment solar panels panel people power
Child Obesity - Health Risks Of Being Obese

People might think that the only negative thing that could happen from becoming obese is that you simply lose your looks or your attractiveness to some people. This may be one of the effects of obesity, but this is actually not the only negative effe...

Parenting  parenting obese people higher health
Why A Propane Gas Bottle Barbecue Works Better Than The Rest

The smell of chops and sausages sizzling on the grill, the sounds of beer cans popping, the noise of children jumping in and out of the paddling pool...summer is here. There is no doubt that bbqs are a big part of the summer and most households enjoy...

Food And Drink  food drink bbqs people fired smell realise however
Seeds of War

The Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, recently made a visit to the White House and was promptly told by President Barack Obama that Israel will give up the West Bank and East Jerusalem for a two state solution to the Palestinian problem. ...

Religion  religion jerusalem israel president people
How Does Religion Affect America's Economy and Politics

Introduction Religion is a persons believe or faith, regarding to the existence and divinity of God or gods. There are several different religions practiced in the Unites States of which the majority consists of Christians, with a minority of Jews, ...

Religion  religion religious government politics people
Reach Out To Billions

Reach Out To Billions by: Tony Dean Have you heard of 'Babel Fish'? It's a service provided by Alta Vista search engine people to translate every page you put 'Babel Fish' code, and up comes a a new language. Your page...

Computers And Internet  computers internet aposbabel fishapos translation people every
Chat Rooms Are A Great Place To Discuss Ideas And Beliefs, But Is Our Next Generation Missing The Point Of The Technology?

Chat Rooms Are A Great Place To Discuss Ideas And Beliefs, But Is Our Next Generation Missing The Point Of The Technology? by: M6.net In my short life, after years of talking too much, I've come to realize that if one is always speaking, on...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people chat rooms about
Pelvic Pain: The Secret Chronic Pain Condition

Pelvic Pain: The Secret Chronic Pain Condition by: Paul Dylan Pelvic pain is a widespread chronic pain condition that affects the lives of men and women all across the world. But most people don't realize how big the problem is because thos...

Health  health pain pelvic chronic suffer people would
Leadership Like Water-Water Canoeing

Leadership Like Water-Water Canoeing by: Brent Filson Although world business is undergoing historic changes, the prevailing view of what constitutes business leadership is stuck in the past. Generally, business leaders view leadership as an ord...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation results leadership people leaders order
Four Proven Strategies for Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

Four Proven Strategies for Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions by: Dr. Stephen Kraus, Success Scientist 'Tis the season for making – and breaking – New Year's Resolutions… Are you one of the 40-50% of Americans who make a r...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation resolution goals success resolutions people