Why do people work? Sure, we can all reason out that some people work for self-satisfaction. Some people might say that they work in order to improve the world. But in the end, it all comes down to income. Other reasons can only be faced once the nee...
Online Business online business income residual stream people willRecently, I received a CD from my friend, George. The CD was full of songs he had mixed himself on his laptop. I was expecting to hear a CD full of music that sounded hacked together since he used cheap music editing software. However, when I listene...
Music And Entertainment music entertainment people songs create softwareThe Reverence Gregory Gird, preacher at a thriving megachurch with 5,000 devoted members, caused quite a stir and lost 1,000 adherents when he gave a sermon in which he came right out and defended tolerance. There were early warning signs that he mi...
Humor humor people members whenThanks to teen movies, many people have this stereotypical idea of cheerleaders as being ditzy and mean. However, there are a great many life-lessons that can be learned during your time on the team that have surprising application in the business wo...
Humor humor itaposs peopleSurviving Corporate Politics by: Gary Whittaker Opportunities Are Made, Not Created In the business of corporate politics, one thing has become very clear: Most business decisions are grown from the grassroots level. Sure, it may all seem likes ...
Business And Finance business finance people beenManagers, Which PR Is Right For You? by: Robert A. Kelly An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change ...
Business And Finance business finance perception public relations audience peopleIs Low-Carb Really The Way To Go? by: Jesse Cannone The latest trend in the area of weight loss is low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet. With so much conflicting information out there on nutrition and weight loss, it’s difficult for the aver...
Health health carbs people stored carb weightDifferent New-Year's Resolution - Pass-It-Forward by: Nisandeh Neta Every 12 months, as the New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with all the authority we can muster, we announce...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation people year difference takes somethingIt's a crime what laziness can do. That's the downside of automation and software tools. People get lazy.Don't get me wrong, I love technology and I depend on Spell-checking software to help with my writing. It finds the typos but it d...
Writing writing people rush bonehead sake softwareSFI came online in Feb. 1999. Starting with less than a thousand members, it now has over 8,000,000 affiliates in 190 countries. How did SFI achieve this? The life story of its founder holds a clue.Gery Carson was born in rural Nebraska and raised in...
Business And Finance business finance company carson people work