4,369 articles on "people"

“Out of Focus” Ads Can Cost You Customers

by KaronThackston © 2003http://www.copywritingcourse.comAs I was riding down the road last week, I noticed a billboard. As I sat waiting on a stoplight I kept staring at it. I couldn’t help wondering what those people were thinking when they c...

Writing  writing billboard people name
Secret Key To The Internet!

The dot.com graveyard is littered with the remains of 100'sof 1000's of online business ventures that simply went bust.Some of those businesses were mom and pop outfits whileothers had multi-millions of venture capital dollars to make them ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people online report those
How to turn a hamburger into a profitable business...

No, I'm not going nuts. See, in the end, its all as simple as that.Let me tell you a true story. Some years ago I was walking down the beach strand, absolutely eager about my new position in the National TV News station I worked for. I finally ...

Marketing  marketing burger people
Don't Be Incredible

Public relations is all about credibility andtrustworthiness. If you don't practice PR, then you arelikely to be incredible.Some of the elements of a PR program include research, media relations, publicity, special events, employee relations, cl...

Marketing  marketing relations people publicity media mouth word
Boost Your E-zine Subscribers 10 Techniques That Work!

Starting an e-zine is easy and fun to do! Decide on a topic. Pick the perfect name and poof you are a proudpublisher of your very own e-zine. But getting subscribers is a different story. That is why...... I'm going to share with you 10 techniq...

Marketing  marketing zine subscribe people subscribers
10 Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas!

1. Participate in chat rooms related to your targetedaudience. Watch what questions people are askingand ask others what information they're interested in.2. Examine what information in being broadcast ontv, news and talk shows. That information...

Online Business  online business questions people theyaposre topics
Adware, Spyware, Popups, Virus Exposed!

Many times shorthanded names are devised that are suppose to make it easier to remember terms, but instead just add up confusing people - adware is one such term. Adware is short for Advertising-supported software, just knowing that makes the concept...

Computers And Internet  computers internet adware program spyware people
Tinnitus - the vicious circle

Tinnitus -> Sleep Problems -> Anxiety -> Tinnitus -> Sleep Problems -> Anxiety -> TinnitusYes, Tinnitus-Sleep Problems-Anxiety is a vicious circle. Intrusive Tinnitus can, by itself, cause sleep problems. The noise is never-ending, annoying, frustrat...

Health  health tinnitus sleep problems anxiety affect people been
Local Business Advertising & Google Adwords

Local Business Advertising & Google Adwords by: Tom O'Brien Local Business Advertising "I don't need the Internet to advertise - I'm a local business!" Okay... If you could spend £0.04 (or $0.05 in the US) and have a new ...

Marketing  marketing local business advertising people terms could
Your Guide to Wireless Security Cameras

Your Guide to Wireless Security Cameras by: Bob Hett The use of wireless security cameras has been gaining in popularity over recent years. This can be for many reasons. Some people use wireless security cameras to make their home secure and to ...

Home Improvement  home improvement wireless security camera cameras people