4,369 articles on "people"

Have You Neglected This Righteous Cause Of God?

Have You Neglected This Righteous Cause Of God? by: David Hopkins As believers, we have a responsibility to care for those who have been left without a bread winner, which begins with the responsibility of caring for our own family and relatives...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation poor people lord
How Do You Explain Public Relations To A Non-Public Relations Audience

Here’s the way I’d explain it:First, I want to give you a quick overview of where I believe public relations is today. And second, an equally brief run-through of how I believe the process can work to the advantage of your organizations.Now, in c...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations people behaviors
Industry Pro Interview Branding – Turning Your Customers Into Evangelists

by Karon Thackston © 2001http://www.ktamarketing.comWhen you say the word “branding”, most people think USP (unique selling proposition). However a USP is far from the equivalent of a brand as we’re about to find out. What is branding? Is ...

Business And Finance  business finance branding brand people they
Why Not Live Vicariously Through Yourself?

Why Not Live Vicariously Through Yourself? by: Paul Shearstone Reality programming appears to be all the rage today. Survivor, Sex & the City, Desperate Housewives and the Donald’s You’re Fired; they’re on all the major networks. It seems ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people think through
Fitting An Education Into A Busy Lifestyle

Fitting An Education Into A Busy Lifestyle by: Ryan MckenzieFitting an education into a busy lifestyleMany people have aspirations to get an education for many reasons. Better jobs, more money and social recognition are some of the more predomin...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation education online people schools
8 Practical Methods to Remain Empowered During Stressful Times

actical Methods to Remain Empowered During Stressful Times by: Julie Jordan Scott1. Acknowledge that requesting support, guidance and partnership is not the same as being needy. Allowing someone else to give freely to you primes the pump in the ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationself love people always
Stop TRYING to SELL and Start TRYING to HELP! Part II

In part I of this article series, I uncovered a fatal flaw that many new networkers have in their business building mindset. It is the thought of trying to sell your products or opportunity to people, instead of helping and teaching them about your p...

Business And Finance  business finance tools company people opportunity
Digital Rights Management

As the internet progresses in both popularity and structure, DRM is going to become very important in moving away from the early free-for-all towards a more paid-for model. However, there is an argument over the degree of restriction of freedom that ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet copyright content software people music
10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales

1. Design your web site to be a targeted resourcecenter. Choose one subject and build on it. You'llgain repeat visitors that are interested in that topic.2. Offer something that is really free. If people goto your site and what you said was free...

Marketing  marketing people something
7 Essential Body Language Tips

The secrets of our body language have been around forever yet people constantly fail to recognize the importance of using body language to their advantage. Did you know that people only pay attention to 7% of what we say? Where does the rest of their...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people language speaking