4,369 articles on "people"

Starting A Home Business Are You Lost

There are so many ways to run a home business and so manypeople telling which way is the right way, sometimes youjust get lost. Here are some simple suggestions thatcontinue to help me build my home business.Suggestion #1I'm a big fan of pay per...

Business And Finance  business finance people youaposre probably
Can you really be successful online working at home

There's no doubt that millions of people want to work athome, and that a substantial percentage of them are lookingto the Internet to provide them with the means to do so.The question is, can the Internet deliver what these peopleneed to make wo...

Business And Finance  business finance people prospects internet
Who Else Wants to Sky Rocket Their CD Sales, Fan base and Indie Music Career

Who Else Wants to Sky Rocket Their CD Sales, Fan base and Indie Music Career? If YOU Answered YES, Then Start An Online Newsletter…It’s Easy, Here’s How!I’ve always praised the benefits of using a newsletter to promote your music, but this ar...

Marketing  marketing newsletter people someone
Your IR is Essential to Your Market Position

Title: Your IR is Essential to Your Market Position Author: Kathleen Gage Email: kathleen@turningpointpresents.com Word Count: 508Copyright: © 2004 by Kathleen GageWeb Address: www.kathleengage.com Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my artic...

Marketing  marketing people integrity about
Accessibility Is your website causing you to loose potential clients

Accessibility: Is your website causing you to loose potential clients?With millions of people going online everyday the potential for your business is almost unimaginable! However, the great challenge is creating an environment that is positive, effe...

Marketing  marketing people content potential accessibility color
Work Hard Wisely For Success

This past week, I had another ezine publishercontact me and ask if I would be willing todo an interview for an article he was writing.I am telling you this because one of the questions he asked got the light bulb blinking.The question "How did you le...

Marketing  marketing time spend learn work people
4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation

It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to callit "quits" because you just can't see any good results from allthe hard work you've done?Hold your horse...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation youaposve people
Banish Boring Photos

Banish Boring PhotosBy Jessica AlbonCopyright 2003, The Write ExposureThe average newsletter generally has average photos: headshots, people shaking hands or talking on the phone. If you're looking to invigorate your photos, try these tips.Black...

Marketing  marketing photos color photo hands people
Making an Investment in Friendship Can Pay Off in Your Old Age!

When I was twenty-two, I was befriended by a woman named Doris who was thirty years older than I was. Although Doris was then a fifty-two year old woman, she did not feel it was inappropriate to befriend me. She did not operate with the social belief...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people friends doris older many
So, what’s an e-zine

Technically they’re written e-zine (not ezine) although calling them an electronic newsletter e-news or Internet newsletter i-news clarifies what they are much better. They were given the name e-zine (short for electronicmagazine). Some people pron...

Writing  writing zine newsletter people zines them