Terminology greatly affects how people perceive value. Call something a "brochure" and no one will want to pay for it. Call it a "booklet" and it sounds small and insignificant, perhaps worth up to four or five dollars. Call your digital document an ...
Business And Finance business finance books people value report book perceivedFind The Hidden Goldmine Within You by: Llewellyn Fleurs The Power of Impractical Ideas When thinking about success in life, I asked myself what is the main thing that has held me back. If you had to trace all your major successes and failures,...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation impractical ideas idea thing peopleIn talking with people many times, it’s very evident that determinism is deeply imbedded in our present day culture. Too often I notice that people blame circumstances or others for their problems. This past election, I heard people in both politic...
Business And Finance business finance people life blame time weveHe’s a very successful sales manger who craves results. He can’t be bothered with people who don’t produce. They are losers. He always produces the numbers year after year. The question is does he do it through bullying or coaching? What’s th...
Marketing marketing sales mike dave peopleWhat do the young people of Humboldt County do after leaving high school and college? Some can’t wait to leave, and others want to stay but aren’t satisfied with the job opportunities, or lack thereof, in this place they’ve known as “home”....
Computers And Internet computers internet technology people humboldt county communityRealEstateGates.com officially announces of the hacker attack that took place last Friday, December 3. Portal's Security Systems detected the intrusion of at least 6 fraudsters throughout the day using different IP-addresses but presumably havin...
Business And Finance business finance letters people received real receivingThe Story of the 12 Animal Zodiac in China by: Wong Yee Lee One day, Tian Di (The God Above) wanted to manage all animals on earth. He took out 12 chairs and told the cat to tell 11 other animals to go to the sky palace. When the cat told the o...
Travel And Leisure travel leisure dragon animals people different veryReproaches for a Request Earnest by: R. Srinivasa Moorthy I've posted an article appealing to the bloggers, not to use blogs for erotic and pervert purposes in 'lulu.com'. Immense fury I've to face for such a humble request, ...
Writing writing freedom blogs people othersThe Internet is:- NOT an information highway for cruising - NOT a library for reading - NOT a game board for playing - NOT a resort beach for surfing - NOT a medium for chatting - NOT a shopping center for buying The Internet is nothing like a newspa...
Computers And Internet computers internet people ideas system network nervousStep by Step Guide for Marketing to Lazy Peopleby: Gary HuynhI'll show you how to win the hearts of lazy people and getthem to be your loyal fans.People are simply lazy and if you keep this in mindwhenever you're creating a marketing campai...
Online Business online business lazy ebook people rebrandable rebrand