4,369 articles on "people"


We are all members of communities. We all naturally associatewith LIKE MINDED individuals. We know people near our homesand many people online as well. For now, let's focus on yourPERSONAL community, the people you know and who know you.What we ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people minded
Forget Everything You've Ever Read About Water Heating...

In recent times electric tankless hot water heaters areprogressively making a name for themselves in the UnitedStates as optimum water heater cost savers. In addition in many areas outside of the United States,electric tankless water heaters are cons...

Home Improvement  home improvement water heaters tankless electric heater people
How Cultural Differences Affect Your Global Marketing Message

How Cultural Differences Affect Your Global Marketing Messageby Ron A. Welsh Marketing across cultures worldwide is a thriving business as the world moves closer to a global economy. International companies have been marketing to countries around th...

Marketing  marketing countries cultures business people
Benefits Of Websites On TV For Any Business Owner

Have you seen websites on TV before? Everyone has, but most people don't think about what they are seeing until they realize that it can benefit them. If you have a website online that you are trying to advertise, one of the best ways to achie...

Business And Finance  business finance customers people television
Christmas - The Spirit Of Commemoration?

All over the world, people celebrate Christmas. Although this holiday is obviously associated with the Christian faith, the date and customs are much older. In the very beginning of the Catholic Church, the heads of the church recognized it would be ...

Religion  religion trees christmas people world december birth
Bankruptcy Bill

Bankruptcy Bill by: Stuart Simpson The Senate is trying to overhaul the bankruptcy laws. Credit card companies and retailers have been pushing for reform since 1997. Hopefully, the new law will come into effect by mid-March. What have they been ...

Business And Finance  business finance people bankruptcy currently
Being Part Of Groups

g Part Of Groups by: Richard Lowe, Jr.There are many different ways to have fun and socialize on the internet. One of the most fulfilling things that you can do is join one of the many social groups that exist. What is an internet social group? ...

Site Promotion  site promotion group people contribute groups
First Impressions – turn fear into courage

The top business people all say the same thing – first impressionscount. Sounds easy, and it is easy for those few who can start a conversation with just about anyone but how many people do you knowwho are like that?On the other hand when you’re ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people makeself first
4 Ways You Can Get Over Your Need for Acceptance and Get on with Your Life

4 Ways You Can Get Over Your Need for Acceptance and Get on with Your Life by: Larry Bilotta Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tip...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation peopleself moment confidence
Putting The Brakes On Road Rage

Research project drives anger to the curb (NC)—Has the driver in front of you ever slammed on the breaks for no apparent reason? Why do slowpokes always land in the fast lane? Is signaling to change lanes a thing of the past? It is easy to predict ...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks news people research canada television media