4,369 articles on "people"

The New Economy - Making a Living in the New World

The New EconomyCopyright 2001 by Perry JonesRevised 2005A million jobs and more are being lost each year overseas. Thousands of people each month are giving up hope of ever finding a job. This is a huge tragedy the effects of which have not yet even ...

Business And Finance  business finance jobs people lost future
Internet Privacy Pornography in the Library

Answer truthfully now, if you were walking through a public library with your kids, what emotion would you feel if someone was surfing hardcore pornographic sites where everyone in the place could look over his shoulder and see it? Would you be embar...

Computers And Internet  computers internet library people libraries could

Are you a Vioxx victim? Here’s something you have to know.Many people from all over the world were victimized by this drug. The Vioxx was produced by Merck and Pharmacia. It comes in liquid and pill form. It is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory dr...

Legal  legal vioxx drug people merck pain from
Boost Your Leadership Skills Simply By Answering The Question, What Does Your Organization Really Reward

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Business And Finance  business finance results people questioning organization leadership
Does a real person answer your web host’s phone

Have you ever had a pressing emergency situation and then called the only person able to save your neck, only to be have your call answered by an answering machine?Frustrating is not quite the word to use to describe the situation. But the truth of t...

Web Development  development sites people hosts
The Right Way to Use Freebies To Build Your Online Business

© 2004-5 by Bruce CarlsonAs most people know, freebies carry a lot of weight. One of the most powerful words in marketing, especially Internet marketing, is the word "free".This little word is so powerful that even its mere presence in an email...

Online Business  online business freebies freebie people
Attention Wheelchairs for Rent!

When you are in need of wheelchairs and you cannot afford to buy a new one, there are lots of wheelchair rental shops where you can go. But before renting a chair, you have to know the pros and cons of the wheelchairs which are available in the marke...

Health  health wheelchairs wheelchair people rent different
Finding a Great Car Accessory

Finding a Great Car Accessory by: Jay Moncliff A car accessory is something you add to your car to make it look better and to add some style. Many people want a cool car accessory to accent their car. A car accessory can make your car look great...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks accessory kind people often
When Your Mind Develops A Mind Of Its Own

When Your Mind Develops A Mind Of Its Own by: Charles Linden We've all been there… One minute your listening intently as your mother in law tells you for the tenth time about the people she met on her recent holiday… or to the boss as h...

Health  health thoughts people anxiety control
Can Hypnosis Cure Adult Incontinence

Can Hypnosis Cure Adult Incontinence by: Clyde Willabus With hypnosis you can deal with all the emotional and psychological issues relating to many conditions including adult incontinence. Not only can you create positive healthy changes with hy...

Health  health incontinence hypnosis create people