742 articles on "play"

The Top 10 Fun Things for Parents and Toddlers to Play With

Top 10 Fun Things for Parents and Toddlers to Play With by: Dr. Clare Albright1. Give your child a spray bottle of water and watch them spray every possible thing outside of the house!2. Use shaving cream in the bathtub for extra fun.It is usual...

Parenting  parenting child play
12 Tips For Getting The Most Value From The Cashflow 101 Game

12 Tips For Getting The Most Value From The Cashflow 101 Game by: Leon van der Walt Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow 101 game is a great learning tool. The following hints have been compiled so that you can get the most value you possibly can fro...

Business And Finance  business finance play money learn
Music - a great tool to develop your child's intelligence

Whether you have high aspirations for your child in the area of music or not, learning and listening to music is highly advantageous for your child. It is common for mothers of very young children to sing to them, in order to calm them at the end of ...

Family  family music child children play
Psychological Tricks To Play On Your Ex - If You Want Your Ex Back

Everybody knows that the period of time after a break-up is the most vulnerable time. You're doubting yourself, you're readjusting to a new life solo, and maybe you're dealing with custody issues or property division on top of that. Ev...

Relationships  relationships youaposre play
20 Fun Ideas for National Turn Off TV Week

Publishing Guidelines: Feel free to publish the following article in its entirety in your ezine, website, or print newsletter. The resource box must be included with an active link. Please send a courtesy copy of the publication in which the article ...

Family  family play game read most
Got Play?

Got Play? by: Jenny WardPassion Love Action You! Playing with your own divinity, sprit, heart, and spreading it around you. YES! When I share with people that I’m a play activist, most people look perplexed. Totally cool, I get that. What thir...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation play time
Absurdity of Absurd: Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot

Absurdity of Absurd: Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot by: Samir K. Dash What does ;Absurd' mean ?When I searched the glossaries ,I found the word to be ;out of harmony'(1).But yet the definitions trying hard to explain the ter...

Writing  writing godot play absurdity from
Following a Formula for Silence

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation success play work here
Playing Creative Games For Fun: A Great Way To Relax

Playing Creative Games For Fun: A Great Way To Relax by: Alex Marias Play is a state of mind that is safe, inquisitive and exists in the moment. It is also a bodily state of relaxation and an uplifting and engaged emotional state. Some say play ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet play work state they
Got Play

GOT PLAY?Passion Love Action You! Playing with your own divinity, sprit, heart, and spreading it around you. YES! When I share with people that I’m a play activist, most people look perplexed. Totally cool, I get that. What thirty year old says “...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation play time love