5,103 articles on "puter"

Blu-ray: A Primer

Blu-ray: A Primer by: Kenny Hemphill Blu-ray is an optical disc format which is set to rival HD-DVD (http://www.the-hdtv-tuner.com/high-definition-dvd.html) in the race to be the de-facto standard storage medium for HDTV. The HD-DVD vs Blu-ray b...

Computers And Internet  computers internet discs players disc blue laser hdtv
Selecting a Laptop

Selecting a Laptop by: Deryck Richards Small Can Be Beautiful When purchasing a new computer, you may be better served by a laptop than a traditional desktop computer. Recently, laptops with capabilities similar to desktops can be purchased for...

Computers And Internet  computers internet laptop laptops tablet battery external
CD and DVD Duplication

Find CD DVD burners at low prices and from top brands. Compare prices before you buy and get consumer reports on the products you choose. Get the CD DVD burner you want fast and easy! Also, get Full service CD or DVD duplication at low prices! Find t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet duplication prices service quality discs cddvd
Digital Camera Memory - An Introduction

Digital cameras have become an essential tool for capturing moments, recording events or simply taking photos of everyday life. One of the most important aspects of these cameras is the memory that is used to store the photos and videos that are take...

Computers And Internet  computers internet camera digital memory cards available photographs megabyte compact
Proper E-mail EtiquettePart II

In the first part of this series on proper email etiquette, we discussed the importance of using proper salutations and signatures, proofreading your emails before hitting send, and being mindful of tone and language. In this second part, we will del...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mail common emoticons smiley messages sarcasm laughing
Digital Camera For Digital Printing

Digital cameras have revolutionized the way we capture and store photos. Not only do they provide instant gratification by allowing us to preview our shots and delete the ones we don't like, but they also eliminate the need for film and provide us wi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet camera digital picture compression
Guide to Finding Music Online

Guide to Finding Music Online by: Keith Kingston Are you frustrated because finding your favorite songs on the net has become more of a chore than an enjoyable activity? Read this simple guide to finding music online and your troubles will be ou...

Computers And Internet  computers internet music search download files sites from
Do-It-Yourself Keyword Optimization

Do-It-Yourself Keyword Optimization by: Mario Sanchez The first step in a search engine optimization campaign is to choose your keywords or keyphrases for each of your web pages. Keywords are the terms that search engine users type in the search...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search keyphrases italian restaurant keywords

When you scan an image, does it look more like a duplicate made by a photocopier? Does enlarging your image give you headache because you always get a sort of colored boxes, instead?A scanner is just like a photocopier. The only difference is that, a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet image resolution images scanner quality original
Print and Modern Thought

Printed materials have played a significant role in shaping modern thought. From the invention of the printing press in the 15th century to the widespread availability of digital media today, printing has remained a powerful force in the distribution...

Computers And Internet  computers internet print scientific thought oneaposs rise intellectual knowledge