5,103 articles on "puter"

Free Tee Shirt!!!

Free Tee Shirt!! Sorry, there's not really a free tee here, but isn't it amazing how those 3 little words really grab your attention.You may have designed your web site to express yourself on the web, or like most of us, you are hoping to e...

Computers And Internet  computers internet blog little vacations want
Keeping Passwords Safe

Keeping Your Passwords SecureAs the web has evolved, so have the methods of collecting personal information. A large number of websites require visitors to register to gain access or participate. While the need for registration is understandable, tra...

Computers And Internet  computers internet password donapost passwords characters accounts websites

The Internet is:- NOT an information highway for cruising - NOT a library for reading - NOT a game board for playing - NOT a resort beach for surfing - NOT a medium for chatting - NOT a shopping center for buying The Internet is nothing like a newspa...

Computers And Internet  computers internet people ideas system network nervous
Tucson’s NextWest, Inc. Announces Partnership with DialResults, Inc

By Richard Logan June 1 2004Mesa, Arizona — DialResults Inc., a leader in the predictive dialer arena, announced today an partnership NextWest, Inc., the fastest growing distributor of Integrated Telephony Systems. The partnership represents a $9 m...

Computers And Internet  computers internet nextwest integrated dialresults telephony solutions software center call

What do the young people of Humboldt County do after leaving high school and college? Some can’t wait to leave, and others want to stay but aren’t satisfied with the job opportunities, or lack thereof, in this place they’ve known as “home”....

Computers And Internet  computers internet technology people humboldt county community
Universal Remotes Some Things to Consider

We probably all have about 8 "universal" remotes these days. Every new component you buy comes w/ one, but none of them are really "universal" because there's always some feature on one device that the other remotes don't have a button for....

Computers And Internet  computers internet remote itaposs buttons learning universal
Getting the Power to Control

One of the advantages of using machines to control processes for you is that you can harness tremendous amounts of power and energy which humans do not possess.By a flick of a switch, huge sliding flood gates can move to allow large quantities of wa...

Computers And Internet  computers internet actuators control electrical power manner
Why Tape Backups Are Obsolete in Today's Schools

Most schools use tape to backup their important data. Tape is a form of magnetic media in a linear form, similar to VHS tape. It is not very quick or inexpensive, and is not extremely reliable. In the past though, it was just about the only form of r...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tape drives backup hard drive external media
Cordless Phones with up to 50 Mile Range now Available Online

Niagara Falls, Ontario - Telephone Magic Inc. is pleased to announce it has added the Voyager line of long and ultra-long range cordless phones (http://www.telephonemagic.com/voyager-long-range-wireless-phone-systems.htm) to its very popular telecom ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet phone range cordless magic systems telecom
Email Builds Brands

Email - today's preferred business communication tool - provides you a simple, powerful, affordable way to develop, manage and maintain relationships as well as sell products and services. Let's briefly examine how permission-based email ma...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email customer loyalty marketing based permission customers