5,103 articles on "puter"

Submission scams

Submission scamsBy Clare Lawrence 19th August 2004 Submit your site to 1,000,000 search engines and directories for $19.99. Sounds too good to be true. Well it is! 90% of submissions sites are a waste of money. It’s a common fallacy that you need t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet submit directories search engines sites submissions
How Did I Get Started Online

In this article, I'm revealing my personal experience of how I started my online business and who influenced me the most with regards to Internet business.Unlike other articles on Internet business, I'm not going to talk about how to write...

Computers And Internet  computers internet business course start
Product Review Paint Shop Pro

Many years ago I needed to create some graphics. Nothing fancy, just some images for documentation at work. I had used several graphics programs in the past, none of which really did the job that I needed. I wanted a simple interface, a lot of power,...

Computers And Internet  computers internet shop paint graphics adobeout photoshop
Digital Television to the Max

Get the hottest new technology in Audio Equipment, HD-Ready, wide Screen, and Plasma TVs. Incredible mark-down Retail prices. Our-high Volume, guarantees you Low Prices. About the Author 17" Widescreen LCD FlatTV HDTV Monitor, Silver finish Liquid ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet prices hottest technology audio equipment ready wide screen
New Features of Macromedia Flash MX

New Features of Macromedia Flash MX by: Maricon Williams In the times of yore, videos all over the web are quite disappointing. It is like delivering a mediocre performance to annoyed expectators. But then, a transition from the passe made a dra...

Computers And Internet  computers internet video flash media content made
Fusing Traditional and Technical Illustrations

Fusing Traditional and Technical Illustrations by: Granny's Mettle The following is an excerpt from the tips and techniques provided by a designer using Photoshop 4. He based his techniques from a current project of creating illustrations f...

Computers And Internet  computers internet drawing designer colors designers lines
Web-Safe Fonts for Your Site

Web-Safe Fonts for Your Site by: Mario Sanchez Choosing the right typeface for your website copy is important, since it will affect the way your readers perceive your page (serious and formal, or friendly and casual). Aside from this, there are ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet font serif sans screen character sizes
Creating Your Own Metallic Type Adobe Photoshop CS Tricks and Tips

Metallic effects are widely used by artists as the drop shadow for texts. You usually see them in car ads, CD covers, and movie logos. Even magazines are abundant with this metallic type. I found these great tips in the Internet in creating metallic ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet gradient type path layer create
Zero Duty Channel Seeks Clarity

Back in June this year, when 360 Magazine first mooted the question about the impact zero duty will have on the Indian IT industry, most just shrugged it off. For most manufacturers and distributors this was something too far off in the future to wor...

Computers And Internet  computers internet duty zero india manufacturers manufacturing
Computer e-waste recycling now fueled by lack of Australian legislation.

Motivated by the lack of Australian government legislation and limited options available concerning the disposal of computer e-waste, IT Recyclers has initiated a much needed computer recycling service aimed primarily at Sydney business who wish to p...

Environment  environment computer waste landfill recycling recyclers equipment david