5,103 articles on "puter"

gomembers sets association management software seminar dates and locations

Herndon, VA gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com) announced today that they will be offering free seminars on association management software (AMS). Each RUGS (Regional Users Group Seminar) offers a detailed look at AMS, and features Q, gomember...

Computers And Internet  computers internet gomembers software enable customers member products solutions technology
Linux Runlevels

Linux systems today generally use eight runlevels. Runlevelsdefine what services or processes should be running on thesystem. The init process can run the system in one of eightrunlevels. The system runs only one of the eight runlevelsat a time. The ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet runlevel system boot user runlevels linux mode
Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change

By Catherine FranzE-mails now have a connection back to their servers. I willleave the technical aspects out of this article. Instead, Iwill walk you through how information from your computer isgetting back to them.You have probably experienced thi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mails connection mail time
Becoming A Open Directory Editor

Getting your site registered by the Open Directory is vitally important as far as search engine positioning is concerned. In order to see how you can do that, see my article on this topic. However, sometimes, it may so happen that try as you might, y...

Computers And Internet  computers internet category open sites editor
Share Your Best Life Story With The World

When most people sit down to write a book, they expect itwill take months to complete the job. They envision workingendlessly and toiling over every word until they finallyemerge a year or two later with their finished"masterpiece." Well, that may ho...

Computers And Internet  computers internet stories learned wolf will
The Industry Standard Is Gone

Amid the flood of information on how Internet companies performed and contributed in the aftermath of the attack on September 11, was a small item about Standard Media closing the Industry Standard Website, once the epicenter of the Internet economy....

Computers And Internet  computers internet business standard economy world ecommerce
Discussion Boards! They Help You Learn As You Go!

I get a lot of questions from subscribers and visitors toour web site. Some I can answer outright, others I need todo a little research to find out for myself. We have beenonline now for about three years and started with littleknowledge of some of t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet questions boards online find
Onemusic - Orwellian Country Music 2005 Prediction

Note: You're probably wondering howI got started on this "Orwellian Music Theme".Well, it began very easily... I was watchinga commercial, for Nike maybe. There were theseold folks dancing "polka style" to hip-hop music.Later, some break dancer...

Computers And Internet  computers internet music artists rock mcgraw cross
Fighting the SPAM War

It is reported that 60%+ of internet traffic on mail servers are spam messages. If you run a website, you can be sure that you are (or will be over time) receiving a tremendous amount of unsolicited email messages. If you haven’t started a website ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email spam address messages account
Getting Revenge On Bandwidth Stealers

Well, you've discovered that someone is stealing your bandwidth. You've sentthem a polite email (if you can figure out an email address) and perhapseven a less than polite message. They keep stealing your images, your soundfiles, your video...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bandwidth graphic image stealing ring