5,103 articles on "puter"

Spyware - Scourge of the new Millenium

Spyware is the virtual plague of the new Millenium. You no longer have to receive emails with viruses in them or even click on dangerous links on websites. Simply surfing the web can now leave you wide open to the scourge of spyware. You may also he...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spyware programs software from
A Curmudgeonly View on AOL

Internetworld Spring 2002 in Los Angeles is Sponsored by AOL,a company that markets it's service with the slogan, "It's soeasy! No wonder it's number one!" One wonders what that companywould get out of the crowd that is clearly not int...

Computers And Internet  computers internet itaposs youaposve
Theme Pages. How to Use Them. More Traffic / More sales

Theme Sites - A Fun Way to Make Extra RevenueRemember: Mothers Day and Fathers Day are coming up. Prepare for them. Create a sense of excitement around your site. Make some extra cash. When you do what we're going to talk about today, first you&...

Computers And Internet  computers internet theme shoppe sites
Script Kiddies - Vermin of the 'net

....well, a close tie with Pyramid scheme pushersMy prompting for writing this article is occurring right this moment. My personal firewall software has thrown up a dialog box stating that someone is probing port 27374 on my computer....again..... th...

Computers And Internet  computers internet script article computer trojan
Internet Privacy Is This A Joke or What

How many times have you surfed to a new site, only to be asked for your name, birthday and gender? Did you enter the information that was requested? And if you did enter it, was it the real information or something you made up?I don't know about...

Computers And Internet  computers internet personal data used
How Much Money would it cost you to regain the use of your computer after a serious virus infection

It cost one of our friends a whole lot of money, much aggravation and lost time, lost records, and a major inconvenience to recover from the havoc caused by the worms and viruses that had infiltrated their computer over a period of many months.Actual...

Computers And Internet  computers internet virus computer spyware software
Anti Spam Fanatics ARE RUINING YOUR Business!

Anti Spam Fanatics ARE RUINING YOUR Business!by Laurie RogersMany marketers online are seriously doubting that "Anti-Spam Fanatics" are ruining thier businesses. I have abit of news for you, IF YOU currently hold that "mindset",it is time for a rude ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet domain company from
SPAM And The Art Of Marketing Maintenance...

Here is my latest article. It may be freely used in ezines, on websites or in e-books, as long as the Resource Box is left intact.I would appreciate notification of where it was used, and if possible, a copy of the ezine or newsletter that it was use...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spam email
Some DSL Broadband definitions

Some DSL Broadband definitions, Often too many people get confused with all the definitions, here we have explained in easy to understand terms.ADSL:Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line - asymmetric meaning it's faster downstream than upstream.ASA...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mbit traffic ping digital
Microsoft Great Plains in Aerospace & Defense industries – implementation & customization highlights

Microsoft Great Plains fits horizontal markets clientele and in case of Aerospace and Defense industry we’ll talk about contractors – parts and subsystems for government contracts. We do not necessarily talk about large corporation, however model...

Computers And Internet  computers internet plains service number