763 articles on "relationships"

Your Partner's Cell Phone Use and Signs of Cheating

When you think that almost everyone in today's time uses a cellular phone, it only stands to reason that there is a large number of people that eventually notice the signs of cheating in their partner's cell phone use. Infidelity that occur...

Relationships  relationships cell phone messages partneraposs
How to Make A Woman Find You Attractive

When you look in the mirror, do you see a fairly attractive man staring back at you and wonder why you've yet to have a date? Is your dating technique from another world? Are you just too shy to ask a woman on a date? Do you, in spite of your go...

Relationships  relationships women date woman
How to Put Your Marriage Back on Track When You Have Cheated

If your spouse finds out that you have been cheating, something should definitely come to an end. However, this does not have to be your marriage. While the future of your relationship may appear rather bleak during such a time, what you should put a...

Relationships  relationships partner relationship cheating between
Lessons About Marriage Learnt From Riding A Bike

"Marriage relationships are similar to learning to ride a bicycle as a kid."Unwrapping The Gift Marriage is like a gift;the easiest part of marriage relationships is opening it by saying, "I do." I once heard someone say at a ceremony, "The wedding i...

Family  family marriage relationships work great
Easy Steps to Keep Your Relationship Sizzling

There are several ways you can keep your sex life sizzling. Relationships require work and sex is an important part of the relationship. If you start to get frequent headaches, fall asleep before he comes to bed or stay up after he has gone to bed I ...

Relationships  relationships life sexy sure take
Healing After An Affair - Why Is It So Painful To Rebuild Your Relationship After Cheating?

When you first find out about your spouse's affair, you are completely caught up in the very real pain of having been cheated upon and lied to. But after going through so much pain and the worst time of your life, after knowing that your spouse ...

Relationships  relationships pain marriage affair going
Breaking The Ice On The First Date

Going on that first date can sometimes be the most difficult thing if you're shy and insecure. This is especially true if the date is with that dreamy individual you've been fantasizing about for a long time. As nervous and anxiety filled a...

Relationships  relationships date youaposre enjoy
Signs of Cheating and Cell Phones

A sad but true fact is that many people in today's society must make it a point to stay on top of what the signs of cheating are, whether it be in real life, with the use of a computer, or their spouse or partners use of a cell phone. Once a per...

Relationships  relationships phone cell cheating data
Some Signs of a Cheating Partner

Dealing with cheating in marriage is very difficult. Infidelity is a very cruel act that pierces the cheated partner to the marrow. If you would like to nip things in the bud, you should learn some of the signs of a cheating partner. Many people thi...

Relationships  relationships partner cheating signs when
Affair Help For Saving A Relationship After Cheating - Steps To Rebuild The Broken Bond

Saving a marriage after cheating is a long, painful and difficult journey but it is not impossible if both parties are committed to making the relationship work. Despite all the hurt and pain, many victims of an affair still have a strong desire to s...

Relationships  relationships marriage counseling relationship affair