83 articles on "resident"

You are your own - PRESIDENT

"You are your own - PRESIDENT"Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called "Imagination". This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future. You need to realize th...

Business And Finance  business finance nation president
Are Non-Michigan Residents Eligible For Michigan No-Fault Benefits?

Many times non-Michigan residents are involved in auto accidents when visiting Michigan, while either on business or while on vacation. These include individuals from all over the United States, including Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Pennsylva...

Legal  legal michigan benefits fault insurance resident accident auto whether
An Open Letter - My Prayer for President Barack Obama and the Future of Our Great Nation

My prayer for you, President Barack Obama, is that you will be able to answer the call of solitude when it beckons. It has been such a tumultuous start to your presidency. You came with an open mind, a clear conscience and a good heart. It may well ...

Government  government president people they