Market research is one of the vital components of marketing: it plays its part before one makes any policy decisions in the field of marketing and communications. It can be defined as "the implementation of subjective and objective research methods, ...
Marketing marketing research market aboutWeb pages must satisfy two types of users: searchers and search engines. It can be hard to satisfy both because they desire different things. Search spiders visit pages with the express purpose of identifying key areas on the page and indexing it for...
Web Development development search pages content write enginesKenyan websites are used for the wrong reason: they are mainly used for advertising rather than giving information. This is why they may never compete with the best of the best websites. If the websites are closely analyzed, you will find that most o...
Site Promotion site promotion search people engines theyWith more and more businesses looking at the Internet medium as a way to expand their reach, it is important to boost their online presence and attract targeted traffic. The need to make an impact online, leads them to search engine optimization meth...
Site Promotion site promotion advertising search engine internet online alsoThings You Must Realize When Searching by: Andrew Malek For the uninitiated, searching for web pages can seem a slow, obscure process. Unless you have a high-speed Internet connection, web pages may seem to take days to load. And the searching i...
Computers And Internet computers internet search sites pageWith increasing competition for visitors, a number of options are available for increasing traffic to your web site, but they come a cost. Is it worth it? Previously, I published an article on pay-per-view search engine options. This article can be v...
Marketing marketing search traffic visitorsSimplify Your Research by: Shaun McIntosh I was surfing the net, hunting for new forum activity, when I came across a small forum site. It wasn't anything to write home about. There weren't too many postings in any of the discussion li...
Online Business online business golf searchPosturing Yourself As The Expert By Utilizing Google Search by: Jason Blackston First, go to google and type "dan kennedy" into the search box. At the present time I get about 49,200 results! Now, type in "jason blackston" into the search box. ...
Online Business online business results search google peopleYou run a start-up business and money's tight.Even though you may not have loads of cash to play with, youdon't have to settle for minuscule traffic counts!Get the most for your advertising dollar by following thesesuggestions:READY, SET, S...
Business And Finance business finance advertising search freeNot only do you want to get more traffic, you want to get moreunique traffic! In order to achieve this, you need to create multiple streams of traffic for your site. Settling for onesource of traffic is simply not enough for most small to mid-size si...
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