2,563 articles on "search"

Five Short Quick Tips on Web Page Titles

By Catherine FranzSearch engine spiders read and record page titles first.Here are five tips on how you can get the search enginespiders to read your titles and use them in theiroptimization process:1. Character count is important: Google's maxi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search character words count titles sales instance
Learn how to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Online Marketing Campaigns. . . in a free PDF download

Do you know that according to WebSideStory, an analytics firm, in2003 medium to large Web sites got an average of 13.6% of trafficfrom search engines? Do you realize the power in that one simplestatement? Search engine marketers trying to get new bus...

Marketing  marketing search engine traffic scorecarding
Searching The Internet Without Seach Engines

The World Wide Web contains more than ten million websites with thousands more being added daily from all over the world, and search engines are tasked with presenting the most relevant pages based on the search criteria entered. Finding a large and...

Web Development  development search engine bots engines crawlers website
Getting Multiple Listings On the First Page of Google

A lot of focus has traditionally been on optimizing a single website to appear for a given search term on Google and other search engines. However, very few discussions lately have focused on the use of various keyword-specific landing pages to achie...

Site Promotion  site promotion search term landing google achieve pages specific
Playing the flute is easy with Flute Lessons Singapore.

Learn How To Find A Suitable Flute Teacher Searching for a flute instructor can be a bit intimidating, but by creating private profile and with an idea of what traits you desire in a teacher, it can be so adventurous to search and select a new instr...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment flute teacher instructor search learn master
Just What is The Consumer Thinking

Just What Are Consumers Thinking?Darrin F. Coe, MA12/01/04Research would indicate that consumers don’t know what they’re thinking. According to an article written by Jack Shimell (2002) for Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, Consumers make thei...

Marketing  marketing advertising unconscious elements conscious research
The Google Phenomenon: Greatest Hits Collection

The Google Phenomenon: Greatest Hits Collection by: Dean Phillips As my readers know, I've been one of Google's harshest critics. However, I'm also a firm believer that it's okay to criticize, as long as it's justifiable...

Marketing  marketing google search adwords googleaposs
Personalized Search Versus Personal Choice

Personalized search is a hot topic especially since Yahoo! and Microsoft have announced they are aggressively developing this service. Most likely, people will be leery of personalized search if they think that this is just be another way for compani...

Web Development  development search personalized they
Become An Instant SEO Forum Expert!

Become An Instant SEO Forum Expert! by: Brad Callen Today I'm going to try something different. For quite some time now I've noticed that the same questions have been asked over and over again in search engine forums. In this article I...

Site Promotion  site promotion search keyword engines link density
Facial Recognition - Emerging as the Fastest Growing Segment

Facial recognition technology has emerged as the fastest growing technology among the biometric technologies accepted worldwide and will continue to follow the same trend in future also. Facial Recognition technology is applicable to both verificatio...

Business And Finance  business finance technology facial recognition biometric surveillance research personaposs