8,393 articles on "self"

The Manifold of Sense - Part II

To say that emotions are cognitions is to say nothing. We understand cognition even less than we understand emotions (with the exception of the mechanics of cognition). To say that emotions are caused by cognitions or cause cognitions (emotivism) or ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation emotions sensations sensation sense
The #1 Success Secret of All Time

"The #1 Success Secret of All Time"(c) 2005 Joel S. NelsonFrom time to time I receive correspondence from individuals with questions and concerns about their own individual prospects for personal and/or monetary success. The concerns from one request...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation success burning secret important
How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence

You have probably noticed those people at work, school, andin your daily life that always appear to be self confidentand on top of world.Everything seems to go right for these people and theyalways seem to present themselves as calm,collected and suc...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation confidence success peopleself will
Smile and World Smiles Back at You

Do You Want to Change the World? Then You ONLY Need to Change YourselfWe all have our area of influence in the society. This is that part of the society with which we interact intentionally or otherwise. Within this area of influence our standing or ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people behavior performance will
Acts of Love- http//actsoflove.net

Fernanders earliest experience with Spiritual music were written on his little not pad in crayon. His unique style was refined by his Heavenly Father into a sound personifying prolific, which is contained in Fernanders’ explosive debut album, Acts ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation fernanders christ album acts love lord savior
Burn, Baby Burn

A recent report in The Independent revealed that smoking in Hollywood films is making a comeback. Recent research at the University of California has shown that stars smoking in films is back to the levels of the 1950s. This is causing worries among...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation smoke films smoking hollywood character
Things Not to Believe

Let babies cry. It is good for their lungs.When crying is the only means of communication by which an infant can express that they have a need, emotional abandonment is not a response of love.Children are to be seen and not heard.If it annoyed God to...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation child children time hurts doesnapost
The Two Words That Guarantee Success or failure When Losing Weight

Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words?Two words will either guarantee you'll lose weight, or guarantee the you WON'T lose weight.You see, words are very powerful. Especially the words that we say t...

Health  health mind weightself words lose
Don't Be Jealous - Be Inspired

When we see people do things we cannot do, or have things we don't have, it might be tempting to be a little jealous. But, jealousy doesn't lead to anything except resentment, and that isn't going to help you. Instead of being jealous ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation jealous things examples doing
Do You Have An Abundant Mentality?

Sometimes I catch myself falling into the trap of thinking that there is not enough for everyone. Whenever I start to fell this way I notice myself becoming competitive and impatient. This is never a good way to feel and it actually hinders people fr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation scraps think seagulls fight