8,393 articles on "self"

Winning Lotto - 10 Things You Absolutely Must Know Before You Buy Another Lottery Ticket

1. There IS an incredibly simple way to lower Lottery Odds.2. The odds in, for example, a 6-49 lottery are 1-in-13,983,816.3. Play all 49 lottery numbers – and you are GUARANTEED to have one ball correct. And it only requires 9 games. Even the 59-b...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation lottery numbers combinations games ball
Professional Relationship Blueprints

Professional Relationship Blueprints by: Kevin B. Burk Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk Our professional relationships draw on two sets of relationship bluepr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation parents authority relationships supervisors when
Cell Phone Abuse. Are You A Victim?

Cell Phone Abuse. Are You A Victim? by: Andrew Lawrence Like millions of others, you may be the victim of cell phone abuse. What is cell phone abuse? Let's say you're in a public place trying to concentrate on something or having a fac...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation phone cell abuse itaposs public strangers victim
Floating In Mindfulness: Dealing With Disappointment

Floating In Mindfulness: Dealing With Disappointment by: Maya Talisman Frost Feeling disappointed? It's time to float. The time-honored approach to disappointment generally involves a fair amount of wallowing followed by a concerted effort...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation float itaposs disappointment between
FEAR Don’t Let it Control You!

FEAR Don’t Let it Control You! by: Glen Hopkins Fear. What is it? Can you touch it? Can you hold it? Can you show it to another person? I can almost hear you from where I am sitting. No, no, no. Okay then, so you can’t touch it, you can’t ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation failure success definition
5 Ways to Beat the Comparison Trap

Picture this scene: You re-arrange your work schedule to attend a party in your child's classroom. You happily hug your child hello as you arrive. Then you notice a table laden with adorable ceramic dalmations, hand-painted, personalized and ber...

Family  family comparisonself notice breath
Anger Management Techniques

Anger management techniques must be implemented in 1/18th second. That is about twice as fast as you can blink your eyes, which takes perhaps 1/10th second. If that seems impossible to you, remember that you have done this hundreds of thousands of t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation heart brain second
Trends in Gift Giving – Jewelry a Timeless Favorite

When it comes to gift giving, there are always new trends that emerge every year. However, there is one gift that never seems to go out of style: jewelry. It has been a timeless favorite for centuries and continues to be a popular choice for both men...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation pearls gift jewelry birthstones give birthstone
Caring vs. Caring Too Much

When it comes to caring, there is a fine line between showing compassion and caring too much. It's important to find a balance between the two to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves and those around us. Caring is the act of showing concern a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation concerned project confidence
Live Strong

Live Strong: A Movement for Cancer Awareness and Prevention Live Strong is a global movement that was founded in 2003 by Lance Armstrong, a former professional cyclist and cancer survivor. The campaign was created to raise awareness about cancer an...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation strong living people