8,393 articles on "self"


Shit happens. I know this to be a fact, because I read it on a t-shirt. ;-)It's one of those simple truths that most people agree with, even though they may not like the crude language. Life is full of unwelcome surprises. It does not progress i...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation inner brat life
Setting Goals That Empower The Business Owner

To succeed to the greatest extend possible, you need to set goals. But those goals must be reachable and stretchable. Reachable so you will believe that you can attain them, and stretchable so that when you attain them, you will have moved forward. I...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goal goals term
Plants Have Souls - And Gifts for Humans

Plants Have Souls - And Gifts for Humans by: Keith Varnum Plants are intelligent forms of life who are capable of intention, preference, and a will to survive, thrive and interact. Scientific research indicates that plants communicate with insec...

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NLP Techniques And Conversational Hypnosis - The Amazing Anchor

There is a very powerful, yet very simple trick from the world of NLP Techniques and conversational hypnosis that can allow you to literally change the thinking and feeling of another person without saying a single word. It sounds too good to be true...

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Are You a Nurse Jackie in Jimmy Choos?

Drug abuse is not a new phenomenon. Nor is it limited to those wallowing in their own swill on ne'er do well row. In increasing numbers, drug addiction - particularly prescription drug dependance - is found lurking behind the velvet curtains in ...

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What If You Had To Get Rid Of All Your Things?

Dr. Rick Schaefer Offers Inspired Story From His New Book "Extreme Thought Makeover" Law of Attraction Expert and Life Coach Dr. Rick Schaefer shares an inspired story written by a client for his new book "Extreme Thought Makeover...37 Days to Maxim...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life thought
First Date Tips and Tricks

The first date: what to wear, where to go, what to say, what to do and what not to do. All this pressure to make a good first impression can be daunting. After all, you know practically nothing about each other and the whole point of a first date is...

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GET NO RESPECT? TRY THIS UNUSUAL APPROACHLike the late Rodney Dangerfield, you may sometimes find that you "don't get no respect." In Rodney's comedy routine, disrespect was amusing. But in real life it fills us with indignation.Our typical...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation small
Everything Old Becomes New Again

Think that something you have had since you were a teen-ager can't be worth much?Think again! Even if you are only now in your twenties...it won't be long until that dress, purse, tie, jewelry, perfume bottle or sport memorabilia will be so...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation worth

I work an average of ten hours a day and It occurred to me theother day that I am retired. Sounds paradoxical, however, it'strue. My definition of retirement is the time in a person's lifewhen she has the opportunity to do exactly what she ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time week life