8,393 articles on "self"

Color Me Love

For those who walk in the flesh, the law is given. Some only see in black and white.And, yet, there is a more excellent way.Others see in color and, when they do, that color is love."Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towar...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love color which
Get it Done - Put off procrastination forever!

Get It Done!Put off procrastination foreverBy Frank F. LunnMake Forward ProgressYou’ve set your goals, made your plans, now it’s just a matter of taking steps in the right direction to reach your planned destination.Taking action will help you cr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time take
Forgotten your new year's resolutions already - how to get back on track

How quickly we forget. We are only a few weeks into the New Year, how many of you have forgotten that you even made any New Year resolutions. Why is that we start the New Year off determined that this is the year to get our lives together? This year ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation year goals each
How to Achieve Big Goals in Little Ways i-mail article

"And just when do you plan to begin?"I received this i-mail right in the middle of a great TV show. During a commercial break some guy with washboard abs came on the screen trying to sell me an expensive piece of exercise equipment. I suppose that&ap...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goal itaposs donapost
Toxic Friendships

This article is as much about life lessons as it is about toxic friendships. I learned an interesting truth about myself recently, and I just wanted to share it.In this life, we are all here to learn lessons, and we will keep being presented with the...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life about
New Year New Love

January tends to be an awful month. For many individuals loneliness increases, and they yearn to be brought to life by the passion of romance. This passionate romantic love is not just a form of love, it is an entire psychological package consisting ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation love will
20 Predictions for the Future of EQ

EQ isn’t just a “designer” fad that’s going to fade, and many are interested to see what directions it will take in the coming years. Here are some of my predictions:1.Emotional Intelligence will become a household word. Parents will actively...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people programs them
The Easy Way To Lasting Self Motivation

How can you become a self motivation expert? Does will power work?Will power alone will never work over the long term. It isthe hardest way possible to get yourself to do anything.The answer is to discover the secrets of self motivation.Why?Because i...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation feel
Life Is Easy, Isn't It

"Life is easy" seems easily understood intellectually. Takewhat comes along with thanks and gratitude; thecircumstances and choices we make are perfect for us. Allthis feels right when said in a contemplative atmosphere.But after a few doses of life&...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life time
Successful Change for A Change

Successful Change for A ChangeChange is easy...Transitions are hard. Think of how many times you've tried to make a change and how many times you've been successful...So often, resistance turns us back to our old ways. This time, even thoug...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation change over