8,393 articles on "self"

Money's Sad Lack of Intrinsic Value

Money's Sad Lack of Intrinsic Value by: Terry Mitchell A good number of my columns deal with finances and money-related issues. Obviously, these are issues we have to confront everyday. However, I have to try to keep in mind the fact that m...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation money health retirement canapost intrinsic
Selfishness versus Self-Responsibility

Selfishness versus Self-Responsibility by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. One of the last things any of us want to be called is “selfish.” We often end up doing things we don’t want to do to avoid being seen as selfish. In my counseling work with pe...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation selfish give ourselves
Ambits of a Family

Ambits of a Family by: Tushar Jain Family, like sex, is a mature word. And like sex, it is word for relations; not physical, but social. And like most social relations, it is reliant on compromises. A compromise forged between men who wish to re...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation happiness social things family compromises
Are You a "Right-Fighter"?

Are You a "Right-Fighter"? by: Dr. Shawn Byler Do you find yourself struggling to "win" arguments? Do people ask you why you always have to be right? Does conflict you engage in typically end with you having the last word, but no one feels good ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation right fighting fighter value
Forget New Year’s Resolutions – They Don’t Work

Forget New Year’s Resolutions – They Don’t Work by: Vic Johnson You can forget about making New Year’s Resolutions if you’re hoping for a successful outcome. Most aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. No less than Mark Twain ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation years weight resolutions life about
Just Listen. Please!

Just Listen. Please! by: Graham and Julie When did you last do that? When did you last listen to yourself? Is there a small voice inside you calling out “Just listen to me” Just listen. Please”. “All I want is for you to listen to me”....

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation justself listen peaceful place
Goal Setting: Pops Proves Its Never Too Late

Goal Setting: Pops Proves Its Never Too Late by: Vic Johnson Pops first set the goal in high school, but when he graduated he thought he wasnt mature enough to pursue it so he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He dreamed about it as a member of the 82...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goal pops time army dream frisby carolina
Helping Happiness Along

Helping Happiness Along by: Tony Papajohn Happiness is worth helping along. The benefits of being a happy person are huge. We live longer, live healthier, and live more lively lives. Unfortunately, all but the most highly-evolved among us have o...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation happy smile happiness deep
Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness

Finding Peace: A Taste of Mindfulness by: Deva Ratnakara When we are ill and don’t know it, we are in a state of ignorance or delusion. We don’t view ourselves as sick, so we don’t believe it’s necessary to go to a doctor or take any med...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation peace suffering mind
How To Pass Exams

How To Pass Exams by: Anthony Keith Whitehead In modern society passing educational examinations becomes an increasingly important and essential means to a better job and improved living standards. The structure and nature of all examinations a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation papers syllabus past will