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The 10 Most Amazing Ways To Jump Start Your Sales by: Frank Bauer Anybody that want's to earn a living online needs to sell something. Either your own product or service or somebody else's as an affiliate. In either case at some point...
Online Business online business serviceCustomer Service Is King - by Michael AmbrosioDo you know the one thing that can make or break your businessfaster than anything else?If you said Customer Service - give yourself a prize.For the past 15 years, my job has been customer service orient...
Business And Finance business finance customer service customers aboutCustomers buy from you because they expect to get something more valuable to them than the money they pay for it. You can assure them of getting that value by answering 7 important questions. Prospective buyers usually don't ask these questions....
Marketing marketing service productIncrease in Customer Sales Increase in Customer Service by: Maida M. Barrientos One of the most popular questions asked in online business forums or even by my customers and subscribers is this : “How the hell can I increase my sales?” or ...
Computers And Internet computers internet customer serviceBullet-Proof Your Business by: Kelley RobertsonToday’s business environment isn’t getting any easier, nor will it get easier anytime in the future. I’m not psychic but I have learned that business NEVER gets simpler. More competition, shri...
Business And Finance business finance customer serviceCustomer Service Is Dying- and I'm Not Feeling So Good Myself by: Garrison Wynn Have you ever called a company and been greeted with the phrase “Hold, please”? How do they know you can hold? They don’t even know who you are. Maybe you...
Business And Finance business finance customer service theyAlong Came a Spider (Part Three) There's More To Online Success Than Search Engine Rankings by: Julia Hyde In the last two articles in the Along Came a Spider series,I've talked about the difference between search engines and directori...
Online Business online business customer serviceNothing can approximate the loss and sense of grief that we feel for the victims of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Tragedies. However, the economic aftermath is just beginning to take shape and it is ugly. Now, the most patriotic thing that ...
Marketing marketing service willSuccessfully Adding a Service To Your Business by: Dr. Rachna D. Jain There will come a time in your business where you feel ready to add another service offering. To make this successful, there are ten tips to consider before moving ahead. 1) ...
Business And Finance business finance service customersCustomer Service Leads to Customer Loyalty by: Jay Conners All customers want and expect superior customer service, and it is all too important that we give it to them. Otherwise, our competition will. Your customer doesn’t want to be treated ...
Business And Finance business finance customer service them