51 articles on "sheep"

9 Critical Questions to Ask Yourself Before Raising Sheep and Getting Into the Sheep Business

There are several reasons why you might aspire to consider raising sheep. There are very a small number of states in the U.S. That cover year-round forage production like Oklahoma. Sheep are more efficient than beef cattle in the conversion of forage...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sheep business ewes size
What Do Sheep Eat? - Diet For Raising Healthy Sheep

Sheep are largely grazing herbivores, unlike browsing animals such as goats and deer that favor taller plants. With a much narrower features, sheep crop plants very close to the ground and can overgraze a grazing land much quicker than cattle. For th...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sheep grazing water plants winter control furthermore
Raising Sheep - The Amount of Land and What Types of Machinery Are Needed

The amount of homeland you will need depends on whether you intend to churn out winter feed in support of your herd and the level of captivity (i.E. Grazing requirements) of the flock. The productivity of the homeland should furthermore be evaluated ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals equipment sheep farm homeland
Raising Sheep - The Amount of Land and What Types of Machinery Are Needed

The amount of homeland you will need depends on whether you intend to churn out winter feed in support of your herd and the level of captivity (i.E. Grazing requirements) of the flock. The productivity of the homeland should furthermore be evaluated ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals equipment sheep farm homeland
Old English Sheepdog Training - Facts You Must Know Before Adopting Old English Sheepdog Training

Breed Description The Old English Sheepdog is a working dog that was developed during the 18th century. They have been primarily used to drive sheep and cattle to the market. With a shuffling and bear-like gait, the compact sheepdog weighs more than...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sheepdog english breed will
Raising Sheep for Wool - All You Need To Know

Raising sheep for wool was the major income source for sheep breeding in the early 1900s. But as the value of wool as a commodity started to decline, farmers and breeders adapted, raising sheep for wool specifically for niche marketing. Fleeces sold ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals wool sheep fleece raising quality covers from
Rearing Sheep - What Must You Do Before You Start Raising Sheep?

Sheep are precarious animals if you do not know how to take care of them well enough but armed with the right information you will see that rearing sheep can be one of the most rewarding activities you can engage on as a young farmer-entrepreneur. Re...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sheep milk wool rearing production
Elements of Timeless Leadership

Elements of Timeless Leadership by: Karin Syren Great leadership is timeless, always in vogue. The world has been hungry for great leaders from time immemorial. In times of chaos and war, environmental and social upheaval, great leaders often em...

Business And Finance  business finance shepherd sheep leaders leader leadership
Sheep Farming - Choose The Type of Sheep Breeds That Will Be Most Suitable For You

Sheep farming is an activity that must come into careful thinking if you plan to engage in it. Ask yourself the questions necessary to get you started. Why raise sheep? Sheep are gregarious animals, they like to flock in a common group and can range ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sheep milk production breeds breed
Rearing Sheep - Certain Kinds of Pasture That Sheep Like

There are specific kinds of pasture with the intention that sheep like, such as sod type grasses that are reasonably fine stemmed and eminent quality. They do not support coarse grasses such as bluestems or love grass. Well fertilized and managed ber...

Pets And Animals  pets animals pastures grass grasses sheep protein