83 articles on "standard"

Google Sitemaps

Google Sitemaps are XML files that list the URLs available on a site. The aim is to help site owners notify search engines about the URLs on a website that are available for indexing. Webmasters can include information about each URL, such as when ...

Web Development  development pages index standard page
Laptops Guide Choosing a Laptop that is Right for You

Most of us tend to think of laptops in the same way: a fairly small portable computer that can open and close like a suitcase, with all of the capabilities of a desktop. In fact, the term “laptop” is really very generic. There are currently four ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet laptop standard large there
Microsoft and Webmasters

Microsoft and Webmasters by: Jeff Wyrick Does Microsoft care for Webmasters It’s always been a problem with websites appearing exactly the same on different platforms. As a web developer / webmaster it is extremely difficult to make user exper...

Web Development  development standards support next