You may be aware of the many choices you have when buying a calling card. However, have you considered the truthfulness of the claims that some companies will make in order to get a competitive edge? Are you aware of the tricks that are played and th...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation calling card minutes aware thereData Loggers: The Way To Monitor A Freezer Or Cooler’s Temperature by: Rick Kaestner Data loggers are devices that sample temperature and/or humidity at regular intervals and then store it. The older models used paper and pencil as a storage m...
Food And Drink food drink data loggers temperature thereNosy and Intrusive Spyware Applications by: Mitch Johnson Spyware has been compared to a nosy neighbor snooping around the block to find some gossip, however spyware has yet to gain the courtesy of a nosy neighbor because spyware fails to make i...
Computers And Internet computers internet spyware active thereoutFood fans from all over the country will want to make their way to Miami for the South Beach Food and Wine festival, hosted by the Food Network. This popular event lasts for four days, and features some of the most popular chefs and cooks on televisi...
Travel And Leisure travel leisure food wine beach festival south thereWith your computer you can watch movies, music, sports all4free on your PC, which is what I do. I don't have to pay any monthly satellite subscription payments or any other recurring payments ever. There are over 3000 stations I can choose from...
Music And Entertainment music entertainment watch sports channel channels thereDecorating Ideas to make your Living Room more Livable by: Lisa French Above all else, the furniture in the living-room should make it livable. It should be grouped so that it offers centers of interest, convenience and comfort. Look for upholst...
Home Improvement home improvement furniture room large living thereEmail Etiquette II by: Kathie M. Thomas I had great feedback from my last article, and was asked to write further on the subject; hence my title. This month I'll share on Email Etiquette in discussion groups. For those who are not yet aware...
Online Business online business groups group email thereIt seems that lately I’ve been reading an awful lot of articles in e-zines about the difficulty of doing business online. They talk about all the hype, all the scams, all the lies and false promises. They talk about all the worthless web sites, loa...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation business learned online thereBajan Backcountry by Eco Jeep – Barbados!Read Jetsetters Magazine at www.jetsettersmagazine.comRead this entire feature FREE with photos at love an islan...
Travel And Leisure travel leisure safari cane barbados island sugar thereFive Ways To Read Your Body’s Changes Before Pregnancy Test by: Sara Jameson What are the most unforgettable changes happen to your body when pregnant? There are a few things, but mostly women can’t forget about their breast which get sore a...
Women women changes pregnant there